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If I could kill someone, I would. I would just shoot and kill everyone that has led to Big lying in my arms, having been shot like this.

I refused to let go of him and followed him all the way to the hospital. My dad tried to stop me but I just shot my father a chilling glare and he moved back.

I sat at the waiting room as Big was operated on. I just clenched and unclenched my fists as the waiting period got longer. I looked at my hands and realized I still hadn't washed it off. Big's blood was all over my palms and wrist.

Just then, the nurses came out, rushing for some reports. I stood up, wanting to get an update but I was brushed off. I sat back again. Ken and Pete tried to get me to wash my hands but I refused. The blood had to be on my hands. It was because of me partly, that he was in this situation.

A little while later, Vegas came to me and whispered something in my ear. I nodded grimly and he told me to come by later. My dad came forward again, to talk to me.

"No. I don't want to talk to you. Please go."

"I am just looking out for you Kinn. I just wanted you to be alive."

"You wanted me to be alive at the expense of his life?! He dies today, then tomorrow another will die for me. Then the day after, another will die. When will this stop?! You could have just let him be with me, by my side and we could have still handled this entire situation. But no. You chose to send him away. He wants to take on a fucking spy job and before anything, he gets shot trying to block that fucking bullet for me. I do what I do, for you. For us. I never once defied you. I do whats right for the family. Only once, I am asking, let me do what's right for me. Let me keep Big by my side. I don't want to lose him."

My dad looked at me for so long, stunned into silence. He finally nodded. And then, the doctors came out. They looked at me and my dad.

"It's not going to be easy. We barely finished the surgery without him going into shock twice. The next 4 hours is going to be critical. But be prepared, he may not make it through. He lost alot of blood."

I sunk into a chair. Everyone was silent, the air was deafening in that waiting room despite being filled with people. My dad couldn't even say a single word. He just sat next to me, his hand on mine. He held it firmly and I looked at him.

"I know Big. He will survive it. You have to have faith in him. And you better, because when he comes back, he be back with us. With you. Next to you as always."

My eyes glimmered when my dad said that. I really tried to hold in my tears. Provision was made for me to sit with Big in the ICU. I sat next to him, my hand on his, just looking at him blankly.

It was the longest 4 hour wait of my life. But around the 3rd hour, Big started to go into shock. His heart beat rose greatly and he started to convulse. I was chased out of the ICU as they tried to bring him back.

I tried to stand at the window to see and was blocked out by the nurses drawing the curtain. Another nurse came out and chased me away to the waiting room, not giving even a care on who I was. I was ready to rage at her until someone grabbed my hand. I turned to see the same nurse who had taken care of Big the last time. She shook her head sadly at me and pulled me away.

"Don't do this. I know it's hard but let them do their job. Saving Big is important now. But as much as their skills, Big must have that self will to want to live. You better pray he has that self will."

I sat down, my tears finally coming down, my heart wrenching in pain.

"Do not die on me, Big." I kept chanting this over and over and over again as I waited for him.

My Bodyguard Love [Completed] Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu