Chapter 5

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Written: 1/1/23

Then I saw it...

The knife bounced off Cheong-san and hit the ground.

"Shit...", I mutter.

But he then gets pushed into a wall by a zombie, so that was fun, he dropped the phone for a bit before recovering and grabbing it.

"Come here.", Gwi-nam demands.

We follow the boy until we reach the library.

I spot a kid on the shelves and Cheong-san taking that idea and jumping on the shelves too.

I spot the kid and Cheong-san talking before the nerd throws him onto the floor.

Gwi-nam runs up and repeats that action with the nerd.

"Stay here.", he says and I nod.

He follows the boy until they both end up on a shelf.

"Cut it out.", Cheong-san says.

Gwi-nam just makes a grabbing motion with his hand, "Give me the fucking phone.". "You killed the principal. You're a murderer.", the boy explains. "You made me kill him. You shit.", Gwi-nam rebuts, "You wanted proof I wasn't a coward.". "You're insane.", then the boy bolts for it.

He starts to jump along the shelf's and got tripped by Gwi-nam.

After a struggle, Gwi-nam had gotten his leg off the shelf, zombies grabbing at it like there was no tomorrow, "Get off me.".

Cheong-san looked at a nearby light and smashed it onto Gwi-nams head.

He took it like a champ, though, and got Cheong-san pinned.

"Should I save you?", he asked, "What do you say?!". Cheong-san had just grunted in return. "Beg for your life. Come on.", Gwi-nam said. "Screw you.", he replied.

Gwi-nam punched him in the face a few times and grabbed the phone from his pocket.

Cheong-San pulled a pretty cool move and caught the phone that he knocked. You gotta admit, this guys somtimes badass.

Gwi-nam was strangling Cheong-san with both hands leading to him being an open target.

Cheong-san took that opportunity and stabbed the phone into Gwi-nams eye.

I screech in horror and his eye pops out and blood leaks from his eye.

I watch as the love of my life gets thrown into a pile of zombies, leading to me running over.

"Damn it! Shit! Help me! Cheong-san! Cheong-san! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Fuck! Oh, please!".

I watched as he reached out for us

"I'll kill you. I will kill you. Fuck you. I'll... I'll kill you."

"I love you, Y/n."

I try to reach out but The boy grabs me though, and punches me in the face.

I grunt as I fall to the floor, probably about to be attacked.

No one came over, though. So I took that opportunity to run like hell out of there.

"Y/n! Y/n!", I hear screams come from the library.

Save him, Y/n.

Perfect time to have a conscience. Absolutely perfect time.

"Fuck it.", my parents are probably dead, so I might as well screw life.

I run back to still see the boy up there, but the bookshelves were tumbling behind him.

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