Coffee Date - Jirou Kyouka x Gen. Reader, Uraraka Ochako x Gen. Reader

Start from the beginning

"Nothing." Kyouka shakes her head, taking a drink from her own cup to hide her face for a few seconds. "Nothing you need to worry about."

Little does she know, (Name) catches the rosiness on her cheeks but pushes down the rising desire to tease. They grin secretly to themselves instead, covering their mouth as they place their chin in the palm of their hand. They mindlessly tap a finger against their cheek.

"Whatcha writin' about?"

Kyouka places her cups down and picks up her pencil, beginning to twirl it across her fingers. "Uuuh, it's a little different than what I usually write about." She skims over her lyrics. "And it's about... I mean, It's more upbeat."

(Name) blinks, noticing how Kyouka had trailed off but doesn't question her. They don't wanna push her when it comes to her music. Instead they smile. "Can I read what you got?"

"Um." Kyouka freezes, hastily reading over the draft. She gulps silently before nodding. "Sure." She lifts the notebook and hands it over to her partner with a nervous look. One of her hands reaches up to fidget with one of her jacks while she watches (Name) read over the lyrics. Hopefully, they can't tell. I'm not ready for them know to know yet...

She feels a smile creep up on her face as she watches her unknowing partner point out their favorite phrases with a huge smile. Phrases specifically about them.

When I'm done and put it to music, I can perform it for them. Just for them.

Uraraka Ochako

"Oh!" Ochako grins as she looks up, placing her phone down. "No, you're good! I haven't been here long."

"Whew!" (Name) heaves a dramatic sigh of relief, pretending to swipe sweat off their forehead. "I'm glad my fair maiden is not upset with me."

Ochako giggles, placing her hand on her chest and over her heart. "I could never be upset with my wondrous partner." She brushes back a strand of brown hair and gives a soft smile.

(Name) can see her eyes crease and they take in the love and tenderness that the brown color holds. They feel themselves melt and a sappy smile curls on their face. They place their chin in the palm of their hand, tilting their head a little.

"Have you ordered yet?"

Ochako shakes her head, humming. "I was waiting on you. I wasn't sure if you'd want a dessert today or not."

"You're sweet, but you still could've gotten a drink, babe." (Name) stands from the table, and Ochako follows, grabbing her purse. They instinctively take each other's hands as they walk up to the counter to order, and (Name) can feel Ochako's thumb gently rub the back of their hand. They smile and squeeze Ochako's hand, waiting their turn as she recites her order to the barista. When she's finished, (Name) adds their order and is already pulling out their (card/cash) to pay. However, Ochako places her hands over theirs, keeping them from paying.

"You paid last time!" Ochako pouts, puffing her pink cheeks and 'narrowing' her eyes. "And the time before that!"

(Name) averts their eyes, humming. "Hmm, I don't remember that. I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I will beat you up if you pay this time." Ochako 'threateningly' raises a hand, tapping it against (Name)'s arm.

"Hmm..." (Name) leans (up, across, down), quickly pressing their lips against Ochako's, stunning her. "I think I can handle that."

They chuckle at Ochako's rosy face, handing their (card/cash) to the barista who had been awkwardly looking away. They hastily apologize, slightly embarrassed.

"You tricked me!" Ochako slaps (Name)'s arm, her hands barely leaving a mark. "You bully!"

(Name) laughs, catching her hands and leading her away from counter and to somewhere a little more private in the café. "Am I at least a cute bully?"

Ochako reaches (up/across/down) to grab at (Name)'s cheeks, pulling at them gently. "Yes." She huffs, her face still matching the shade of her sweater. "A stupidly loving and adorable bully."

(Name) takes Ochako's hands again, grinning. "I think you might like me, sweetheart."

Ochako relents, a smile curling on her face. She wraps her arms around (Name)'s waist, nuzzling her face into their shoulder. "Of course, I do."

They stand in an embrace until their order is called out, to which Ochako sends (Name) to their table so she can bring their drinks back herself. (Name) allows her to 'even' the playing field and walks back to the table Ochako picked out. They sit and place their bag beside them, looking over to see Ochako already making her way back. They place their chin in the palm of their hand and give her a tender smile, taking in her careful steps and determined expression.

She's so cute, my heart can't take it sometimes.

3.9 pages · 1,342 words

December 3, 2022

Requested by: Niji-chan on Quotev

I really hope this was cute lol. I've never written for Uraraka or Jirou before, so hopefully they aren't too OOC. Tbh I'm not too happy with Uraraka's and I didn't know how to end it lol. If you have any ideas on how to get them more in character, let me know! Especially since I have another Uraraka request to do, I'll take it.

I have two more requests to do and will be keeping my requests closed until I finish them. I don't wanna get ahead of myself and end up taking too many that I don't end up finishing.

BNHA x Gen. Reader - One Shots (Requests Open!)Where stories live. Discover now