Moving day pt.1

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Hey y'all I'm not dead and I didn't quit I'm back from my little ......break well enjoy.

Regie POV:

Today is the day we finally move I have most of our stuff in boxes already and Ryan down for a nap because of the schedule.
I hope Ryan will be able to make this change it's really big and really fast so I will have to help him every step of the way. But right now I am making hime some pancakes before he wakes up to put him in a good mood for the day coming.
I looked at the clock and realized that it was time for Ryan to wake up from his nap.

He never liked waking up from naps so I hope the smell of pancakes makes it better for him.
"Ryan it's time to wake up it's almost time to go."
He woke up thankfully but I'm guessing not fully because of how fast he reached for my neck and latched onto me.
But he was up either way. I sat him at the kitchen table with a lot of persuading for him to let go but now we are eating our pancakes and having a good time.

Not realizing the time I quickly washed our plates put our shoes on and we were ready to go.

As it was already time to walk or the door I made sure to pack the boxes in the back of my car, had Ryan's bag packed and his tablet was charged. We were ready to go.
"Ryan are you ready to see your new room?"
It was a small response but that small response gave me all the courage I needed to get through the day.


After getting to the new house I saw Ryan's mood switched from unsure to scared. And what do you do when your little brothers give him candy.
"Hey buddy look at me, we are both going in there okay I'm gonna be with you the whole time okay."
I grabbed some candy from my bag and made my way to Ryan.

"Here don't tell mom okay." I said putting my finger over my lips and him doing the same while unwrapping the candy and putting it in his mouth.
I got a small smile in return so I knew right now was the time to go inside.

While walking inside I spot oliver by the front door. "Hey Oliver how the moving going?"
"I would say things are going pretty well but where's Ryan."
Once he said that I looked behind me to see Ryan hiding outside the door. "Ryan come here real quick." He looks at me and shakes his head it was time for the ultimate attack. "Okay I guess I can't make you pancakes what a shame." I had said adding some sadness to my voice. But with those words coming out my mouth his eyes shot open and he basically ran to my side. I look at Oliver " found him." I got a chuckle in response. We walk inside and Ryan goes straight to the kitchen island waiting for his pancakes I promised. I walk over to the kitchen and check the cabinets to see the groceries put away which was nice less work.

Since I was already about to cook I might as well ask the others if they want some. I walk behind Ryan and cover his ears with my hands about to yell. "COME DOWN STAIRS IF YOU WANT PANCAKES." I take my hands off of Ryan's ears and we both hear just about everyone except the people already down stairs come to the kitchen. I don't think they want pancakes. I was right they came straight to Ryan sitting next to him.

"So... Do you guys want pancakes... Or Ryan's attention?" They all look at each other and back to me before saying "Ryan" in a quiet voice. "I knew it." I sigh and turn back to Ryan.
"Ryan do you want nana pancakes or blue pancakes?" Ryan took a few seconds before looking at me and tilting his head. "Nana?" I look back at him. "yes... Nana" I grab a banana and show him. "Want nana?" Ryan seemed to understand as he smiled and nodded "Nana!" He said excited with a huge smile on his face. "Okay...nana pancakes for you.. Do you guys want something?" I look at the other guys with one eyebrow raised. They completely ignore me and go back to surrounding Ryan.

"Stop surrounding him... It makes him anxious and the last thing I want is Ryan having a meltdown when we haven't even moved in yet." The guys seem to understand as they give him some space bit still engage with him.

I start to make Ryan's pancakes but then I feel someone hug me as I turn over confused as I see Darren. "What... Are you doing?" I look at him confused. He looks at me "can me and Ryan-" "No" He just looked at me "I didn't even finish my sentence bruh" I look at him with a 'are you serious' face. "I know you were gonna say some dumb shit like trying to go to the pool."

He looked at me like I had read his mind as he let go of me and walked off sulking.


I finished making Ryan's pancakes as I put them on a plate and turned around putting them in front of him. "Are you gonna use a fork or your hands?" Ryan looks at me as he puts his hands in my face..... Welp...I got my answer. "Okay... I'm gonna go get the wipes... And you put your syrup and butter on... Okay?" He nods at me. I look at the rest of the guys who were watching tv and I shake my head as I see them all sleeping. I guess today is an early night.

I walk over to my bag and pull the wipes out as I walk back over and place them on the counter. "Ryan do you want me to stay with you?" Ryan nod as he picks up a pancake and bites some off.


After he finishes eating I wipe his hands and face with the wipes. "Are you tired?" Ryan nods while yawning. I walk over and pick him up letting him rest his head on my shoulders as I go to sit on the couch with the rest of the guys.... Who were sleep. I sit down in the only open spot with Ryan on my lap. "Ryan.. It's time to sleep close your eyes" I slowly rub my hands through his hair until we both fall asleep.


'all.... I'm back 💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺 I'm not dead... Love y'all 😜✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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