Shopping for Ryan

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Regie POV: 

Once we sat down again Ryan would often show me what was happening in the show he was watching. "Okay I know why all of you are looking at me and I know you all have questions so feel free." First was Oliver "Why was he pulling his hair and stomping his feet?" The rest of the boys nodded like they had the same question. "Well, what you just saw was Ryan having a meltdown, which is when Ryan has intense emotions/reactions to a situation." Kane spoke up " Well why did he have one then?" "That reason is that he was unable to find/see me, I don't know if you noticed already, but Ryan has attachment issues." "So that's why when he woke up he was asking for you." "Correct Sebastian any more questions."

"How do we stop these meltdowns?" "For Ryan, you must calm him down enough for him to hear you. To do this what I do is try to figure out the problem first and solve it, then to keep him distracted we usually ask him if he wants his tablet or headphones. Any more questions." "Yes but it's a dumb one, will we have to - how do I say this - will we have to train for when these situations happen and your not there?" "That's a good question Justin, I'm guessing you guys will have to if you want to live with him. But to do that you guys will have to know each other more." "Sounds like a plan to me."

"Great we should go to the store together just so we can get the necessities that we need and you guys can know what to get for Ryan." Oliver stood up " Okay but does target sound good." "Yep meet you guys there." Now I only have to do one more thing to get Ryan back to the car which sounds easy but trust me it's a struggle. I tapped him lightly "Ryan comes on get up we're going to the store." All I got in response was a whine and a slight head shake welp this was going to be a struggle. 

*In the car*

After finally getting Ryan to sit down in the car and not whine every few seconds. He was back to sleep after a few minutes which I was grateful for because of how easy it was going to be in the store without him running off.

*At Target*

Once we arrived I already saw the rest of the guys standing in the parking lot. So once I parked  I made sure to have Ryan's bag and everything was inside. I picked Ryan up and he latched on to me like a koala. Once I made sure I had everything I made sure to lock the car and walked over to the rest of the boys. Making sure to watch out for cars of course. Once I made it to the rest we grabbed a cart and headed inside.

"What do you guys need first?" I asked as we were just walking around aimlessly. "Well we were thinking we could go shopping for Ryan first because we don't really need anything." Wow they really care. "Um first we should go to the cooking section to get some pancakes for Ryan. Also pro tip if you want to get on Ryan's good side make him pancakes." I said while moving Ryan in to a comfortable position. Once we made it to the pancakes I could tell that Sebastian was over whelmed by options. "Which one does he like the best?" Sebastian said while picking up a bunch of different batters. "Ryan likes the Birch Benders pancake mix the only pancakes Ryan eats but it's not that easy to find so I usually come here to get it." I grabbed about three boxes so I don't run out anytime soon. "Next I need have to go to the toy section because I promised Ryan I would get him the new transformer figure if he came today." I had said already making my way to the aisle.

Oliver POV

After shopping with Reggie for a while I noticed how much Reggie does just to make Ryan happy. So I hope when we all move in together we can make Ryan just as happy as Reggie does. But after a while I noticed Ryan was starting to shift in Reggie's hold and move around quite a bit which worried me. "Reggie is Ryan okay?" I asked while seeing Ryan try and wiggle out of Reggie's hold. " Yea he's fine he just saw the toy section and is now trying to run over to it." " I mean the rest of us can bring him over there while you keep shopping." I thought this would be perfect to get to know Ryan a little bit more. "If you could that would be a lifesaver but don't let those puppy eyes get you he will try to get you to buy him everything." "Okay and thank you for the warning." " No problem meet you guys at the cashier." Reggie said while placing Ryan down. " Okay Ryan you are gonna stay with the rest of the guys to look at toys while I shop. Okay?" All he got in return was a quick nod and Ryan running to the toy section with  Sebastian, Kane and Darren right behind. "Hey Reggie is it okay for Justin to tag along just so one of us know what to get when your not here." "Oh yea sure just get your notes out because they is a lot we need." Reggie had said while Justin to walked over to him. 

Once I caught up with the rest I already saw the cart with barely any transformers in it being pushed by Kane. I turned my head to see Ryan staring at the large selection of toys right in front of him and Seb looking in his wallet and counting his money after seeing the prices of the figures.

After a few minutes I noticed that the cart was a little full but I knew if we let another few transformers get in the that would almost be about 80 dollars im guessing after looking at these prices. While Ryan was still staring at these 2 figures with Doe eyes. "Ryan Reggie said not that many so you are gonna have to choose between the 2. Okay?" Ryan just looked at me with his puppy eyes almost like he was begging to get them. But I MUST STAY STRONG. 

I bought them...

Reggie POV:

Once I got out the store with Justin and all of the bags but then I turned to him I asked. "How many toys do you think they bought for Ryan." "Knowing them they should be about five bags and empty wallets." Oh god. 

Once I made it to Oliver's car I already saw about 5-6 bags just filled with transformers and Ryan playing with 2 making them fight. "So I see you guys made sure Ryan was happy but I could tell that your guys wallets are not." "I will never financially recover from this." Sebastian said with tears in his eyes. "Welcome to my world."

DONEEEEEE. Sorry for not posting I have no ideas or inspiration. I LOVE ALL OF YOU GUYSSS ❤😍💖🌹😘😘🌹💋💋💖🥰❤❤❣💓👰🤵👰👰🤵🤵🤰🤱💑👩‍❤️‍👩👨‍❤️‍👨💏👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

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