Dabi looked down at the cuffs around his hands. "Damn, that's not something I thought you had the control for. Not worried you'll cut off my circulation?"

"Of course not. Your skin would probably fall off first."

He chuckled. "I guess your right." His wrists burst into flames, hot enough to melt the cuffs from his hands, and you brought them back to you, allowing them to become part of your outfit once again.

"Hm. It's rare for fire to be able to melt this." You muttered loud enough to hear. "Colour me impressed."

"You don't look the part."


Suddenly, Gigantomachia roared, attempting to tear through Best Jeanist's bindings.

You flew back and drifted to the ground, where you placed your palms on the ground and made vines burst from beneath the surface, mimicking Best Jeanist's bindings on Gigantomachia. Dabi had strayed from you but you were already occupied with Gigantomachia.

You stood on top of his head and placed your hands down, trying to share some sort of memory or thought to paralyze him in some state of fear. "Damn... he's totally blocking me out."

Shouto sped to his brother, immediately fighting fire with fire as flames of blue and orange intertwined. "You really send those villains our way?!" Shouto demanded. 

"One of them almost killed Natsu! Remember him? The brother you cried to every day?!"

"Almost killed? What a shame. That would've hurt Endeavour." Dabi continued to smile despite the words Shouto said.

"Are you freaking insane?!"

"Sure am, Shouto. See, your brother's not so big on 'feelings' anymore."


"And now I get to kill you after all."

You heard the words and nearly went over, but stopped when Iida came running to you with Bakugou in his arms. "Y/N— er.. Vie! Please heal Bakugou! He's too stubborn to go to the medics!"

You peered down at your classmate from atop Gigantomachia and jumped down, instructing Iida to place him down in a clearer area.

The healing glow from your hands transferred to Bakugou, dim at first then glowing brightly. For someone who persistently insists that he doesn't care about Midoriya, he puts himself into a lot of danger for him.

"Bakugou." You greeted once his eyes opened.

"The hell are you doing, dead eyes?"

"Healing your stupidly achieved wounds. Thank my mother." You inputed a bit more of your life force into his skin, which was the most uncomfortable feeling you had ever had, and started making it close again. "Don't move or it will heal oddly."

"Why the hell does it sting if you're healing me?"

"Why does medicine taste gross if it is helping you? You are breaking my concentration." Your other hand began removing dirt from the wound. "While it was stupidly obtained," The open skin finally closed completely. "I assume you have learned that Midoriya is more than a useless pawn in this game?"

He kissed his teeth in annoyance. "You're extremely annoying."

"A shame."

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