Ova: Greek Goddess Hangout

Start from the beginning

Atalanta:" I'm surprised she didn't do anything to Zeus"

Artemis:" you kidding, every year since then, Aphrodite hunt's down Zeus and beat him so bad, he was crippled for 9 months, even in the mortal world, it was only 200 years ago when Zeus lifted the curse on Atalanta that the beatings stopped"

Atalanta:" so she isn't dead"

Artemis:" she's basically one of my huntresses now, though, I do have a deal with Aphrodite in the divine realm, every year on her birthday, she is allowed to spend at least a week with her... as well as visit on occasion"

Atalanta:"... wow, so much history we got wrong"

Artemis:" it happens, but Aphrodite still blames herself for that, so please don't mention that, okay"

as the 2 walked in, Aphdire was crying as Athena was comforting Aphrodite, then Atalatna hugged Aphrodite's head.

Atalanta:" I'm sorry for bringing up such a topic and making you cry"

Aphrodite:" (Snobbing from crying) no, you did nothing wrong dear, you did nothing wrong"

then as Aphrodite calmed down, Atalanta then remembered a note that showed a dining meeting for patron gods of a mythos, basically, it's like a meeting of the head gods of a Mythos in the divine realm, but instead of being assembled in a divine hall, the patron or representative gods of their mythos gather in the tower of babel with a reserved room, each mythos in the dungeon cities do this every 5 - 20 years or so, and as of now, it was the Greek Patheon's turn.

Aphrodite:"... fucking torturous"

Artemis:" but this time, Hestia's going to be there since she is part of the head of Olympus as well as Zeus, and Hera not being there this time"

Aphrodite:" oh, it might just be worth coming to this time, okay, I'll cook something extra special for the people I like and we'll get going"

Athena and Artemis:" (like little kids) YYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY- (clearing throat)"

Athena:" thank you, Aphrodite"

Artemis:" yes thank you... hey, I wonder, when did you become such a great cook, not saying you cooked badly before but-"

Aphrodite shut Artemis up as she understood what Artemis meant and didn't want to deal with Artemis rambling to eventually dig herself a whole like usual.

Aphrodite:" at first, I just wanted an edge over the other goddesses of beauty, Ishtar's cooking look's the part but tastes awful, and Freya's cooking is so bad, I heard that Hera based the Hydra's venom off it, it failed to match it, but it was still powerful even as the failed product, I at first thought it would just be uninteresting, but then I got into it and caught out to become better every day, I still travel to learn new way's to cook and absorbed the culture the food comes from as well"

Athena:' wait, Hera based the Hydra's venom off Freya's cooking... that makes so much sense now that I think about it"

Artemis:" and I'd still take the Hydra Venom over Freya's cooking any way of the week"

all of them shivered thinking of Freya's cooking, and then moved on, in the 50th floor of Babel tower, the few greek gods that arrived were there, Apollo, Dionysus, Hephaestus, and Demeter, likely was Hermes wouldn't come, which they all hoped was the case, they were chatting as they all were rowdy, namely Apollo and Dionysus, as Hephaestus tried to talk to Demeter, who only have a huff to ignore Hephaestus, and Hephaestus sulked knowing why he's being treated like air, that was, until Aphrodite, Athena, and Artemis came in, helping carry in food Aphrodite cooked.

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