"Emmy!" someone shouted from across the room. She turned to see Andromeda desperately fighting off death-eaters to protect Mad-Eye who was slumped against the wall. He groaned with each breath he took and she watched helplessly as he lost consciousness, head hitting the tiles with a gut-wrenching thump. She swore loudly and looked to her brother.

"Remus, I need you to help me get to them!"

He nodded briefly, covering her for a second so she could swap positions and start inching across the room. Finally, she sprinted the remaining distance over to him as Remus distracted them.

She landed heavily, knees stinging as she called his name.

He stirred as she got to work but wasn't lucid enough to talk or communicate.

Blood slid down his neck at a dangerous rate and she immediately rushed to stop the bleeding.

"Is he going to be alright?" Andromeda yelled anxiously moments later, she and Remus fending off a group of death-eaters that had rounded on them.

There was little Emmy could do, it was a severe head injury and she wasn't trained in dealing with something like this.

"We need to get him St. Mungo's right now, this looks pretty bad," she replied.

"What can we do?" Remus asked.

"Nothing, just buy me some time."

And so they did, sending shielding spell after shielding spell until ten minutes later, Mad-Eye was stabilised and she'd stopped the bleeding. They pulled him to the nearest fireplace and Andromeda went with him as they whisked away in a flurry of floo powder.

She had just stood up, tugging her medic bag over her shoulder when she heard a familiar voice bellowing her name.


It was Sirius sprinting towards her, narrowly missing curses being hurled his way.

"You need to get out of here now!" he roared.

"I'm staying, Sirius! You need my help," she argued, drawn into another fight with a masked death-eater. He swiftly took over, pushing her out of the way.

She scoffed but turned her attention to more of the wounded nearby. Noticing the familiar curly hair of someone cowering behind a pillar, desperately trying to fend off a death-eater despite an gruesomely broken leg, she called for James to cover her and ran over. He kept the assailant at bay while Emmy skidded to her knees beside her.

"Hey, Dory," she said cheerfully. "You all good?"

"Great, thanks," she grimaced.

"Alright you hang in there for me."

She raised her wand and began the complex vulnera sanentur incantation. Despite Sirius yelling about how reckless she was being, he fended over death-eater after death-eater to protect them as she cast the spell.

"You said you were going to stay in the woods!" he yelled.

"That was never going to happen, Sirius. Not when half the house exploded!"

"Guys, please!" James interrupted, grunting with effort as he sent Avery crashing through a window.

Within minutes Dory's leg was knitted back together but as Emmy helped her to stand, the world around them seemed to explode into a vortex of rubble, bodies and a great blast of light.

Sirius hurtled towards her, shielding her with his own body.

They stayed there for what seemed like eons but all she could feel was his heavy breathing on her neck. She knew she must have been screaming; her throat was aching and her chest rattling violently, but she couldn't hear anything.

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