Getting Her Father's Love

Start from the beginning

Love you too papa.
Ram hug her tight both cry tanu came there ram call her to join the hug.

Is cool weather help her change before she catch cold and you too.
Said Ram and leave the girls.

Sis am not dreaming right? Papa just talk to me and also called me princess he dry my hair too.
She said happily tanu hug her.

Even am surprise I hope dad will forever remain like this.
Said tanu she's very happy for her sister.

With Ram.

I want divorce, we can't stay as husband and wife anymore.
He said to priya and she's not surprise but pretend to be.

Why all of a sudden you want divorce?

Look priya we all know the reason why you came to this house I don't really know what happen to me am sorry I went too far with the deal but you can leave now I promise to give tanu the best life.

What about me?

I'll do whatever you want as well except staying with me here, I don't want you close to pragya again you've done enough.

What's going on here?
Ask tanu, ram think it's time to let her know the truth, he tell her everything tanu understand her mom lie to her all these years she almost hate pragya for no reason.

You're too wicked Mommy, I hate you.

Don't say that she's your mom.
Said ram but tanu tells him whatever priya said to her about sarla, ram ask her to pack and leave he doesn't want to see her face.
Priya ask him to give her some days.

Later at night tanu refused to talk to her mom she see pragya in ram embrace he's telling her a story and caressing her, this is her best night ever.

Why you stop papa I was listen.
She ask with smile

I want to tell you something so I stop, tomorrow we'll go and see my friend he's Ophthalmologist, he said I should bring you and see if he'll will do surgery or will give you medicine, I promise princess I'll do whatever I can to make you see this beautiful world( even if am to give you mine)
He said that in his mind pragya get happy hearing this from her father she hug him tight ram kiss her forehead and continue the story till she fell asleep.
Tanu go from there.

The next day ram ask tanu to come with them.

Ram friend after checking pragya he made her wear some glasses pragya smile like crazy seeing the world for the first time, she take off the glasses and put it back again and laugh.

Are you OK princess?

Yes papa I can see you and di when I put on the glasses.
She said smiling like crazy she run to look outside ram try to stop her but she leave.

Leave her ram she'll get use to the world soon.
Said the doctor.

OK how much is the glasses.

It's huge amount but ram pay it thanking him.

We can do the surgery after some years because her eyes are too weak to go under surgery she may lose it forever.
Said the doctor, ram thanks him and leave.

They found pragya outside singing and dancing looking at the beautiful sky, tanu ask her to get in the car just then she see someone with dog.

Oh so only we humans can walk without our hand?
They laugh hard hearing this just then she see herself in a mirror.

Omg papa am so beautiful.
She said touching her face tanu laugh hard coughing.

Stop your drama princess you're making your sister laugh too much.

Am just expressing my feelings this is not funny Di stop laughing na!

Ram give tanu water telling pragya to shut up else he'll take the glasses.

No papa you won't do that, why have you stop?

See the traffic light.

Oh so this is red?
She ask just then it turns green.

Red is beautiful than the green papa wait lemme see the yellow.
She said hold ram hand.

Can't you see everyone is going? Pragya leave my hand look at your dress is yellow.
Said ram and pragya leave him.

The yellow too is beautiful though, di what colour are you wearing?

Is white and blue.
She said showing which is which.

White is more beautiful.
Tanu and ram smile, ram stop in front of shopping mall asking them to get whatever they want.
Tanu get done with hers but with pragya she keep talking about everything she sees, didn't take even a single dress ram take her back to help chose what she wants.

Finally can we go home now?
Ask ram.

No papa am hungry.
Said pragya making face.

But we're going home Robin uncle is back he's making your favorite dish.
Ram console her, she get happy to know Robin is back.

I'll see Robin uncle as well as my mom pictures.
She said with smile ram give a sudden break, he remembered how sarla wish to get her eyes done.

Where ever your mom are I know She'll be very happy today.
Said ram and continue driving.

Priya get annoy seeing pragya closeness with her father  she started planing how to snatch that happiness,pragya is shown getting feed by Ram.

It's OK princess you can't eat whatever you see, you can't even breath but still want to eat.
Said ram wiping her mouth.

But papa I want them.
She said with pout priya puffed and leave the dinning.

No it's OK go and take your shower, remove the glasses before else it can fall and break.

OK daddy
She said and leave to take a shower as well as tanu

Priya go to pragya room and take the glasses, she finished freshen up but can't find the glasses she call tanu asking if she can see the glasses anywhere she said no pragya start crying.

I see only for seven hours I couldn't even see my mom pictures before losing the glasses.

Hey calm down we'll find it even if we don't dad will get you new one.
She console her, ram came there and was shock to find the glasses completely broken.

Pragya you broke it?
Ask ram.

No papa I put it at the middle of my bed, papa please trust me and don't scold.
She said cry thinking her dad will be mad at her.

Hey stop crying is not good for your eyes, it's OK and who said I'll scold you? Don't worry I'll call my friend to get you new one.
He said wiping her tears he understand someone deliberately do that but can't conclude.

Next part soon

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