Chapter 2

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"Aiden, you home?" Mrs. Wesley calls out. "Hey mom, hey dad", Aiden replies walking down the stairs. Mrs. Wesley walks up to him and hugs him. "How was your first day, son?", Mr. Wesley asks. "Oh dad, it was great, I made a ton of new friends and even got signed up on the basketball team", Aiden replies with excitement in his voice. "That's amazing, we're so proud of you", his mom and dad say as they come in for a big hug. "Son, also, you're driving license comes in tomorrow, it is time to get you your first car", Mr. Wesley says. "No way", Aiden replies with tears rolling down his face. His mom wipes his tears and hugs him. "You deserve this back to school gift, you have been a good boy and I feel it's high time that you got that dream car. During the weekend, we head to the car dealers to get you any car you want", Mr. Wesley says. "Woah, dad, mom, this is huge, thank you so much!" They all have another group hug and go out for dinner.

Friday, which means it's sports day. Aiden, Dante, Derek, Ian and Jake are preparing to head to the court. "Yo, it's time to see what this pretty boy is made of", Derek says to Aiden laughing. "Bring it on kiddo", Aiden replies. Just then, Coach Burke peeps through the door and calls for the boys to come out. On the court, Coach Burke gathers everyone round and makes an announcement. "Everyone, this is Aiden, the newest member of the Westview High Basketball Team. Let's find out what type of stuff this kid's made of". Everyone cheers for Aiden. "Okay Aiden, let's take some free throws", Coach Burke says as he goes to stand at the free throw line on the court. Aiden grabs a ball from the rack and walks over to the free throw line. Before he takes his shot, Coach Burke takes a shot. "Swoosh, and that's how it's done fellas", Coach Burke says smiling at the boys. Aiden lines up for the free throw and makes the shot. "And that's a swoosh", Aiden says. Coach Burke thinks it's tough luck and makes him take a couple more shots and he just keeps making them. "You know Coach, in all humility, I don't think this is tough luck, I'm just a natural", Aiden says with a grin on his face. "Then I will test your limits. To the 3-point line now", Coach Burke said smirking at Aiden. "Now, you've got 5 shots kid, you make 4 of them, you stay on the team, you don't, you're off the team." "Bring it on Coach", Aiden replies with confidence in his voice. He lines up at the 3-point line and makes all 5 shots. "And that's how it's done boys", he says as the last one rolls down the net. "Damn, he's good", all the boys say to one another. "Amazing form, kid, you're on the team. That's all for today, see you next Friday", Coach Burke says to Aiden and the rest of the boys. Aiden and the boys hit the showers before getting on the bus.

Saturday morning. Mr. Wesley knocks on Aiden's door. "Hey champ, you ready?" "You bet I am", Aiden replies with a smile on his face. They walk down the stairs and out the door. Mrs. Wesley is sitting in the car already. "Hey son, you excited?", Mrs. Wesley asks. Aiden nods his head smiling. Mr. Wesley hands a brown envelope to Aiden. Aiden opens it and sees his drivers' license. He smiles and hugs his dad. "Oh, it's not my doing Aiden, you passed your drivers'  test, that's the only reason you have this." Mr. Wesley points out. "Right", Aiden replies smiling. They get in the car and drive to the car dealers. At the car dealers, Aiden has so many choices but he didn't want to get something too flashy like a Rolls Royce.  "Hey dad, can I get the Lambo truck (Lamborghini Urus)?", Aiden asks his dad. "I did say any car you wanted, didn't I?", Mr. Wesley replies. Aiden settles for the Lambo truck and they settle payments and registration. "This is so fresh, but I don't want any attention at school, I'll keep catching the bus", Aiden thinks to himself. "Son, can't wait to take it to school on Monday?", Mrs. Wesley asks. "Actually mom, I don't want all that attention, it is unnecessary. But for stuff like prom and dates, I will definitely take it.", Aiden replies. Both his parents nod in support. His dad hands Aiden his new car key. "Race you home kid, drive safe though", Mr. Wesley says smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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