20.0 : It should be happening this way, or that's what i thought before

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We all have that particular movies we gravitated towards, with all of the romance and comedy even a little bit of action and mystery happening. The life of being 20s and figured out that your friend turned out to be a spy and you have to brace yourself and be her side-kicks because who else she trust other than her best friends. Or getting into the movies where she went into college and right when she's on her orientation day, someone just happen to see her in the "sea of people" and the love story with the ups and downs begins. On the realistic side (or that's what i thought realistic) when someone you just met happen to be on the same comittee with you and after a very long time working together, the feelings of needing each other begins and blah blah happy ending. 

Any of that didn't happen to me, any of my friends are a normal person (which i adore and love, by the way) that goes on with their life without having some deep and dark secrets. Not that i'm complaining, kudos for them for not having any danger moment that i could possibly lend some help. 

The question that i asked at that very moment is : 

"Why does everything remain the same ? and why does people makes incredibly good movies that does not relate on any parts of our lives ?  It should be happening in other way" 

Let's answer the question one by one 

Why does everything remain the same? 

It does feels like everything is moving slowly, or not moving at all. I guess at that time of moments, a part of me wants something magical or drastic happening, to keep up with the theme of very unrealistic movies. It will always remain the same if we compare ourselves to what happen at yesterday, last week, or even last month. When something that are not drastic happening to us, we can never see the effect they have on us, until you evaluate yourself at the end of the year. 

Sometimes, the fact that we're not being presence are one of the reasons why. For me, it's hard being presence, even until now, you see yourself either clinging to the past or waiting for something in the future happening yet every second of our life IS our future, we just have not realized it yet. Focusing on what will happen in the future, not caring about what is happening right now, it's just what i did before, and that's why i feel like one of the questions that keep coming for me is why does everything remain the same. 

On the other hand, a concept of time is a very tricky thing, while everything can be remain the same, when you distract yourself, not doing what you actually want, when you think about what you want yet you do nothing about it, time flies. One of the example is having to make a to-do list for your weekend chores like cleaning your rooms or else, you set yourself up to start at 10 AM, and then you have the urge to scroll through social media and suddenly its 12 AM, everything remains the same. So you start to clean your space, starting with your desk that turns out to take 1 hours of your time to declutter, in your mind you keep telling yourself that it could be earlier and right now you need to finish the desk first before you order lunch because you don't want to stop in the middle of something. Now you keep thinking why it does not getting any clean at all because you look forward for having lunch. 

Man, it feels easier to understand when i think about the example. 

Other example would be like waiting to pay for your groceries at the grocery store, the line is so long and all you can feel is that the line is not moving at all yet if you keep your eyes open, every time the cashier checks out others groceries one by one is a one step closer. It would be different if you're with someone and you have your youtube ready to play, the next minute it will be your turn to checks out your groceries. The concept of time, how long and short they are, is a very bizzare things that i used to not get a hold on that. 

Time really flies, wether it's remain the same or not, that depends on how we deal with the time that given to us. 

Why does people makes incredibly good movies that does not relate on any parts of our lives ?

It feels good to see movies that we can say relatable for our lives, that there's someone else out there going through the same thing with us. It reasurres that you're not the only one and anything bad that happen, eventually will pass. 

But, what about movies that shows how great it is to be alive and all the ups and downs only shown in 30 minutes to 1 hour until the main character decided that it's time to change and BAM! happy ending. The key points to this question is the concept of time that we've known before, a movies is just a two until three hours of their lives being summarize into one. Let's put it down on math (Hold on with me, i know i hate math myself) 

Conflict of the movies tends to act around half an hour until one hour, with additional probably one hour to get to the climax. Let's say there's a movie that spend one and a half hour to go through all this main character problems before it suddenly goes away. That's 50% of the whole movies. If we put it into our 20s life, half of our lives will be explaining our problems before the other half be the ending part of the movies. Not trying to make us feel desperate by saying that half of our lives will be the opening and moving towards the climax full of problems and conflicts, but to make all of us realize that......... it could be realistic, but put your time to go through it. It's impossible to be exactly like the movies, they sort everything very quickly because it's a movie not a serial. There's a writer and a whole team behind it to make a perfect plot meanwhile we just take an option and pray for the best. 

Other points of perspective i would laid it off to you, just as this app provide you with my stories, it does provide you with tons of fictions and all of the fantasy we created in our head. It's all of us trying to put something that we think is magical, put a words in it and then here comes the book full of something we wished we had. A book can be our silent wish and prayers we told others. 

The silver lining that i could write to myself, as someone who writes, as someone who feels betrayed by rom-com movies, as someone who constantly looking for a change yet basically just waiting for the future without changing anything on what's in front of me is :

It takes time. 

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