In which said child gets yeeted by a ninja

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A world blossomed before Penn's eyes, vibrant colors filling his vision. It was night- an odd reality to Penn, as it'd been only mid-morning where he had been before- and a pale, white, light was cast down from a huge moon, its glow filling his vision, casting a creepy light on a well-managed garden.

Bushes, flowers, and trees were everywhere, separated by cobbled pathways. It's peaceful here, Penn thought, looking around. At least, that's what his thought was before he heard the voices.

"King Arthur has reigned this land long enough," growled one, near enough to Penn for him to be worried. I bet he has a sword he guessed, ducking down behind a large rose bush.

"Right? He needs to go," spat another, whom Penn was able to see. He was a thin man of short stature and had a small goatee, a glint in his eyes.

"We needn't worry. The Sorceress has a plan," the other one rumbled, deep voice filling the small clearing where the two stood. Penn's brows furrowed. I can't see the other one...

"Still," the thin man said, looking away then back at his companion, an icy anger in his eyes. "If the Sorceress cannot escape the King's" -it was spat as if it were a curse, which Penn suspected it was equivalent to for the skinny man- "dungeons, we must interfere. I believe it's time to take the palace by storm."

A dangerous look crossed the short man's face as he stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Or... we could kill the queen."

Penn leaned forward, eyes wide. He had heard of King Arthur- of course, he had, most everyone had heard the name before- but hadn't heard he had a queen by his side.

Is this how the plot's supposed to go? He wondered, before he was knocked down to the ground, shoulder slammed against the stones, head barely avoiding hitting the hard pathway.

"Quick, Hamond!" the small man spoke, his voice having risen an octave. "I hear a trespasser- let us speak more in private."

The sound of footsteps leaving seemed to make Penn's attacker relax- but only slightly.

The person wore a dark outfit, a mask covering their eyes, a black shirt and pants making the mysterious assailant blend in with the darkness.

"What are you doing here!?" the person exclaimed, glaring angrily at Penn. "You're not supposed to be here! Unless..." the person paused, voice softening at the last word. It wasn't a harsh voice, like whomever this Hamond was, nor was it like a snake's, as the thin man's was. It was... light. Soft, even. And very British.

"I- I just found myself here," stammered Penn, having not expected this question. What were you to expect when a ninja attacked?

"Where's the book?" demanded the person, voice but a whisper. A loud one at that.

"What book?" Penn asked, giving her- for he believed the ninja was a she now- an odd look. He barely remembered what he had had for breakfast that morning. How was he supposed to remember a book? He worked in a library, for Merlin's sake!

"The book," the girl said slowly as if willing him to understand "that brought you here."

"Oh. That book. Dunno," said Penn with a shrug, the girl giving an exasperated sigh.

"You buffoon! Do you know how long I've been here!? What year even is it back in reality? Surely it's been twenty years- maybe even thirty since I was drawn into the manuscript–" she cut herself off sharply, giving Penn a look that could only be described as an odd mixture of anger, desperation... and was that loneliness?

She straightened up, carefully taking off the hat-like covering a ninja might wear. "My name," she began, giving him a matter-of-fact stare that could pierce one's soul "is Lady Lethia. I come from the sovereign kingdom of the Scots. And I would appreciate it, sir, if you would lend me your assistance in returning to reality."

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