Chapter 3

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Merlin had made his way to his room and began to fill a tub with water

His eyes turned gold as he Incanted in the ancient language, the water began to steam a bit

He then poured a bit of cold water

He carried the small tub to the corner where a drain was and began to strip

Then began to pour the water over his body and washed himself

"Merlin" Gaius comes into the room

"Yeah" he pours the last of the water over him "I'll be a minute"

"The banquet is starting so be quick, there's some clothes for you when you come out" he smiles as he takes off

'Clothes?' He wraps a cloth around himself as he comes out "wow" he looks at the clothes

"I guess people are dressing up" he holds up the clothes 'especially for Gaius to give me these'

○<At The Banquet>○

The hall had music playing, people dancing, knights drinking and celebrating

The King and Queen was there looking over there people enjoying themselves

"Merlin-" Lancelot shouted before cutting himself off

"Wow look at you Merlin, all dressed up" Gwaine came up to him with a drink in his hand

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"Wow look at you Merlin, all dressed up" Gwaine came up to him with a drink in his hand

"You look really nice" Percival smacked his back

"Ow" he laughed "thanks" he rubbed the back of his neck

"Why's your hair wet" Lancelot laughed

"I bathed before coming here you idiot why else" he laughed

"Your gonna catch a cold" Leon cutted in

"Ah Leon you have finally joined the party" Elyan said

"I was always here"

Gwaine gasps "and your only joining us now, you hurt us"

"Haha Gwaine your so dramatic" Merlin patted his shoulder

"I'll join you guys after I check on his royal highness" he said sarcastically

"Yes yes of course" Gwaine laughed

"Gwaine don't drink too much" Percival held him still

"Haha it's Gwaine what do you expect" Elyan laughed

○<With Arthur>○

"Wow is that really Merlin" Guinevere said suprised

'Merlin?' Arthurs attention went straight to Merlin

His face instantly drops and blush instantly forms 'wow' is all Arthur could think

Merlin was making his way towards them

Arthur x MerlinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora