I hate this

They hate being with him. They despise Gene, but Gene wouldn't let them break up with him. They had tried. It didn't go well.

My dad's working at the grocery

Garte owned a lot of the town, one of the most powerful men in the state. He seemed so kind to everyone. Everyone but his family.

He was always pissed off

Everytime he comes home from work, if he even does, he's drunk and immediately yells at his wife. He'll beat on her and his two youngest sons, whilst comparing them to his golden child, who tries to pry him off of his brothers.

Never said he loved me unless I fucking earned that

They remember everytime they brought home a report card, a hug from mom and a slap and shouting from dad. Garroth always defended them, Garte would never hurt his golden son, always just huffing and storming off.

Zane remembers one time their dad said 'I love you,' they were 8 and had made the winning shot in a soccer game. They didnt even like soccer, only playing it to please their father.

Told me to learn patience

"Zuzu you must be patient with him, your father is a very busy man," Zianna would always say. Garroth would shake his head at her everytime.

My mother's sick and dangerous

"Zane, don't listen to mom, shes delusional and blind. Stay away from dad, ok? He's not right in the head, he's dangerous," Garroth had taught them since they were little.

Shes manic and broke my brother's bones again

"Mom!" They remembered Garroth screaming, running from beside his father.

"Yes, GarGar?" Zianna had replied.

"Dads gone mad! You have to come, please!" Garroth pleaded.

"What are you talking about?" Zianna had laughed.

"He slammed Zanes arm in the door really hard and won't let Zane back inside! It sounded like a bone cracked!" Garroth cried. Zianna quickly ran up to her husband, starting a screaming match. Garroth snuck outside and walked with Zane to the neighbors who took them to the hospital.

Could we go and see a movie?

"Gene, you wanna go see a movie?" Zane asked.

"Pfft with you? No," Gene snickered.

Made me play a chess match just to prove if I lose we won't go

"We could play a game? Maybe chess?" Zane suggested.

"What are you? A nerd? Don't say anything like that again," Gene shouted, gripped Zanes jaw tightly.

Felt bad but he never told me

Gene pulled Zane into a harsh kiss. It was painful, Gene biting into their lips until they bled.

I think I could've helped him I think he would've loved me more if I did

Gene had a problem. Like an actual problem. He loved the taste of blood, anyone's blood, but he said that Zanes was his favorite. That's why when he found them cutting in the bathroom he cheered them on before licking the wounds. Zane should have helped him get professional help, but they didn't.

And I was sick in the head, man but you were sick too

Zane knows they struggle with mental illness, depression, anxiety, some undiagnosed stuff. At least they weren't as bad as Gene. That's what they kept telling themself.

The only difference is I can't drown my problems in alcohol like you

Zane didn't drink. Not unless Gene forced them to, which he did a lot. Maybe that was the difference. Gene was worse because the alcohol worsened his mental state.

I'm at the bottom of that bottle and your brother is too

Everytime Gene finished a bottle he would call up Zane for sex. That or he would go beat on Dante if Zane didn't answer.

And you're the end of the joint that I smoke in my room

Whenever Gene and Zane get high at Zanes house, it always ends in fights. Fights between them, between Garte and Zane, Garroth and Garte, Zianna and Garte, it just never ended well.

And you're the things in my past that I want to forget

Zane had finally left him with help from Travis and Garroth. It had taken so long, but they were free. Zane just wanted to completely forget him now.

And the thoughts in my head that cause pain in my chest

Zane thinks about him a lot. In some sick, twisted way, they miss Gene. It hurts their heart, missing someone who treats them like that.

And I get sick when I think about them both in bed

Gene had almost immediately gone and started dating Sasha and Zenix. He was so sweet to them. Why didn't he treat Zane like that? They had heard he stopped drinking and smoking so much too. Zane wonders if they were the problem.

But it gets easier with time, and with love, said a friend

"Dude you'll get over him, it just takes time, and love," Travis said as the two lay on his bed together.

"I dont even think I know what love feels like anymore," Zane sighed. Images of their parents relationship flash through their head, surely that isn't love.

"Maybe I could show you what love feels like," Travis smiled, looking at Zane as blush dusted his face.

And I drown in a ship that sank

"Maybe you could," Zane blushed.

"We will get through everything together, I promise that, I will never be like Gene to you," Travis promised. Zane felt something, something they hadn't felt any time they were with Gene. They would go down with Travis.

From my own words

"I love you, Travis, more than I loved anyone ever before. I love you so much that it scares me," Zane blushes.

How do I become not who they say I am

"How do I become who I want to be?" Zane asks late one night, cuddling with Travis.

"What do you mean, darling?" Travis asked.

"How do I stop trying to be what people want? How do I stop trying to be another Garroth just to please my dad?" Zane explained.

"Well, you just gotta think, what do you want to be, and then strive to be that. I'll be with you every step of the way," Travis smiled.

There's a change here, in the air here

Gene never would've said anything like that to Zane. This was new, this was different. But it was a good different.

Can you hold me close?

"Can you hold me, please?" Zane asked, Travis complied, holding Zane tightly around the waist.

Will you hurt me too? Will you love me true?

"You wouldn't hurt me right? The way he did?" Zane whimpered.

"Of course not, darling, I love you, I truly love you," Travis said gently.

(The last part of the lyrics repeat two more time but idk what to do with that so ima just end it here lol)

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