Chapter 12- Going to far p.2

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Justin POV

What have I done...

"Justin Phan and Ryan Nguyen"!  Manager ty shouted

I turned around slowly seeing Manger ty  angry.

"What did I tell you about fighting!" Manger ty shouted

"If you fight you will be banned for the house for two days..." Ryan and Justin said in usion.

"Since you broke those rules you will be banned for two days for your punishment." Manger ty  said

"But I didn't do anything he threw the first punch and your going to ban me!" Ryan shouted

"Fine then..Justin you will be banned from this house and then you can come back in two days." Manger ty said


"Understood.." I murmered


I packed a few clothes to last me and brought money.

I told the boys goodbye and I will be back soon but they were still mad for what happend..

Hey stars sorry that I have been ghosting you 🥲🥲

Do you think this was Ryan's plan?

Stay tuned for the next chapter

I am open for recommendations 😝🤗

Bye stars 🌟 

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