Chapter 21- New york..

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( A couple of months later )

Justin and I have been doing great ever since the day he told me he liked me. I applied for my dream job, and I am waiting for them to reply to see if I got in.

"Y/n, come downstairs and eat." Justin yelled.

"Okay, coming!" I yelled back.

I went downstairs and saw hamburgers with fries on the plate.

"Okay, who made it." I asked.

"I think it was Kane." Regie replied.

"Thanks, Kane." I smiled.

I began eating until I heard my phone ding a notification. I checked and went out of my seat and stared at my phone in shock.

"What's wrong y/n"? Justin questioned.

"I-I got in." I stuttered.

"Got in what." Oliver asked.

"My dream job." I smiled.

'Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you!" Oliver, Seb, and Kane smiled while jumping

"Where is, though?" Darren asked.

"It's in.. New york." I trailed off.

I looked at Justin and all. I could see if sadness was on his face. He got up and left the dining room without a word.

"Where is Justin going." I questioned.

"Who knows." Reggie said.

"I'm going to talk to him." I sighed.

I walked upstairs and knocked on Justin's room. No answer. I walked in and saw Justin sitting on top of his bed, staring at the floor.

"Justin..what's wrong." I whispered.

"I-I think we should break up." He looked up at me.

I stared at him and shocked, not knowing what to say or do.

"W-wait, why." I stuttered.

"Well, you know me, how I don't like long-distance relationships, and this is not going to sit well with me." Justin said.

I wanted to cry, but no tears fell out. How could he do this! Just because he doesn't like "long distance relationships." I wanted to die right now, but can't.

I stood up and opened the door and  turned to him.

"I will leave in a week." I whispered.

"Y/n Wait, please me explain." He groaned.

"Oh, I think you did enough explain.That was all I needed to hear from you. " I snarled.

I then closed the door and left Justin. I walked downstairs, and all the boys asked me questions. "How did it go?" "What did he say.".

"Nothing, it went fine. I will leave in a week. I lied.

I could feel Darren staring at me but didn't pay attention to it. I went into my room and flopped onto my bed, thinking  what comes next a physco trying to hurt me now. My eyelids began to grow deeper, and then I fell into a deep slumbering.

Hey stars, I'm back! Did you miss me? Well, probably 👸.
I want to give a shout-out for  @luvujonniez for this chapter idea. I didn't have any ideas, so she gave one. Make sure you 
Check her profile out! Thank you for reading my book. Make sure you check my other book, too ❤️. I will post the other chapter...idk when lol, but I will put a chapter out. If you have any chapter ideas, make sure you but them in the comments ( I read them 😈). That's all for this chapter. See you in the next one! - Your author ♡.

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