Baby Talk

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A/N: All we go. The first chapter of my new book (now a trilogy). Enjoy the fluffiness.

Two weeks after returning to the Lower Realm....

No one would've believed it could happen: a giant and a winged fae falling in love and conceiving a child together. By all accounts it never should've been possible. But with magic and a lot of faith, Twillow and Kendrick were blessed by the Tree of Eilithysis with a beautiful daughter they named Kimimeyla.

Though Twillow and Kendrick had been parents for a little over two months in the Parliel Realm, there was a whole new set of challenges to overcome once they returned to their home in the Lower Realm. The biggest obstacle being how big Kendrick's home was and the dangers said size presented to their new daughter. Falls from terrible heights seemed the most threatening. The stream that flowed at the back of the kitchen counter was another. Though Kimimeyla had only started to sit up and attempt to crawl, the new parents knew it wouldn't be long before her mobility would develop at an alarming rate and thus increase the danger.

So, for the first few days they were home, Kendrick set to work creating little spaces that would be safe for Kimimeyla, namely playpens made of logs and nets. Twillow commented it looked like he was making a cage for a dangerous creature rather than their tiny daughter. But he didn't care.

Kimi would be safe; he would see to that.

He also carved a new wooden bowl from a large stump to be her bed. It was wider than Twillow's and the walls of it were higher to keep her from climbing out. Honestly, it looked more like a huge cup that a bowl. Even still, Kendrick did not want to hang the bed like Twillow's. He voiced his concern about her finding a way to climb out and falling. Instead, he chipped out a hollow spot in the mountain wall right next to his bed, creating a recessed shelf for the baby bowl. Then, if Kimimeyla somehow managed to climb out she'd merely tumble onto his bed.

Much safer.

And if she were to cry in the night she would be within arm's reach.


It took Kendrick several weeks to gain the confidence and courage to hold and pick up his daughter. His greatest fear (and most recurring nightmare) would be he accidentally brought her to harm. Thankfully, Twillow was persistent and patient in her encouragement. Before long he was able to delicately pluck her up and cradle her to his chest or hold her in his hand without too much trepidation. He had even started the habit of tucking her in his shirt pocket which she seemed comforted by.

Twillow too had her challenges as a new mother. The steady, routine of breastfeeding Kimimeyla was draining enough. Thankfully, the presence of the Amethyst Well helped rejuvenate her magic between feedings and Kendrick was there to help with anything she needed.

Happily, Kimimeyla was thriving.

Several of the baby shower gifts they received also aided in her magic replenishing. One such gift from Marci was some seeds for the infusion fruits called Pink Sweeties. A silly name for such a powerful magic fruit, but they were the hardiest of the infusion fruits. Neither Marci nor Twillow knew if they could grow in the Lower Realm, but the fae planted them in a special spot in their garden near the base of the apple tree her house resided. Thus far they had grown into a blue shoot with sparkling leaves but no fruit had been produced. Twillow hoped Sig's potion might aid in the growth. But it didn't have much effect other than perking the leaves. She was hopeful it would thrive but considering the Lower Realm's scarcity of magic it was a long shot.

Despite the changes, both Kendrick and Twillow remained very happy with their new roles as parents and were enjoying the simple small moments with their new daughter.

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