{Owen and his instincts}

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Owen and acho are watching some thing on the tv. but if acho looks at Owen he doesn't look very good he looks pretty bad he has big black bangs under his eyes. so like every good friend acho said 'go to bad idiot you look way to tired dude' Owen looks at acho and Owen whispered something to him self. and said ' I look fine but I'm going because I need to get up early tomorrow to do something' he stands up and goes to his room and acho smiled happy he listened to him even if he didn't want to admit it.

Owen open his door to his room and goes inside to see his pc is still on. he walks over to his desk and closes the windows and turned it off and goes to his drawers to grab his pajamas. And goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth and change his clothes after that he walks to the hallway and scream 'GOODNIGHT ACHO!! He doesn't hear anything back so he goes back to his room. he closed the door and turns off the lights and goes to lay in his bed and grabs his phone from his drawer and scrolled to twitter answered something's and goes to sleep {The next day} Owen woke up from the cold he looks on his phone 08:00. it said on the screen he gets out bed and he just was very cold like he normally wears 10 blankets on him instead of his pajamas. and his instincts are screaming at him that he is missing something but not what... He ignores it and gets dressed and goes down stairs to make breakfast for him and acho. when he is doing that acho walks in still in pajamas and walks over to Owen to give his friend a hug Owens instincts are screaming LOOK OUT A HUMAN!!!!! In some kinda reflection he sets 5 steps backwards from acho Owen even surprised by what his body was doing acho looks at him surprised Owen fights his instincts and hugs acho 'good morning' he said quick. after that they go to eat the lovely breakfast Owen made for them 'hey Owen do you want to go too the park with me today too get some air? Acho ask's 'yea sure' Owen said back but still in shock from what happened. After breakfast acho went upstairs to change his clothes and left Owen to think out loud 'why was I scared of acho just because he is a human I'm a human too so why acho would not hurt me for like 1M so why was I afraid of HIM! 'Afraid of who?? Acho said Owen look up in shock and said or lied 'a character from a post I saw on twitter yesterday it was pretty scary'. ' says the man that likes to make lore that's 10 times worse than most horror movies' acho said 'it's was very creepy okey! Owen lied. After that they go to the park. Owen likes the park it has a lot of flowers. acho looks around and sees a bench and goes to sit there to enjoy the outside. world Owen went over to a pretty purple flowers he sits next to it on the grass and looks at it and wonder's if it would be poisonous and 2 seconds later he has it in his mouth. he spit it out in shock it tasted very bad why did he put it in his mouth in the first place he thought it was like the same thing as what happened that morning with acho but his instincts were telling him now too but it in his mouth to figure out if it was poisonous. All he was thinking was what's going on with me. Acho was looking at Owen he was looking at a flower next to him and in 2 seconds he had it in his mouth acho jumped up from the bench and runs to Owen 'Owen are you crazy!! He said to his friend Owen looks at his hands panicking 'I don't know what's going on with me acho I just had no control over my body!!! The brunette said in panic 'oké let's go home before you eat more flowers' acho said. They go back home and Owen immediately goes to the kitchen to rinse his mouth from the flower. After that acho was waiting for him to talk about what happened Owen sits down on the couch next to acho 'explain now' acho said. 'Okay it all started when I woke up this morning because I was too cold it felt like I normally wear like 10 blankets on me and my instincts were screaming at me that something was missing in me or on me I don't know really I decided to ignore it and the next thing happened when you tried to hug me my instincts were screaming something about l need to look out for you and my body was moving without me even knowing and than the thing in the park with the flower I was wondering if it was poisonous and my instincts was saying I need to put it in my mouth to find out and the same happened and my body moved without me even knowing and I had the flower in my mouth and that's it' Owen explained acho look shocked 'you were scared of me' acho said with a little bit of pain in his voice 'no no not me my instincts for some reason' Owen said fast acho still looks hurt. 'I..I go to my room for now' Owen said with guilt and he stands up and goes to his room close the door and turn on his pc and sits in his chair he goes to discord and called apo to do some coding on the server together. After that it was around 17:00 so he goes down stairs to make dinner for him and acho he is almost done when acho comes down stairs and looks at him and signs 'look I'm not mad in just confused and worried about you' he says Owen didn't like that he was worried about him but was happy that he isn't mad at him. They go to eat dinner together and put the dishes in the dishwasher and Owen decided to go to bed early because what was happening to him he says good night and goes up stairs turns off his pc charge into his pajamas and turns off his lights and lays down in his bed with a blanket over him he doesn't go on his phone he closes his eyes Hoping tomorrow wil be a normal day. He didn't know wat was coming for him.

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