Chapter Twelve

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I've been in a funk recently and my muse as since floated away. I figured I'd try just free writing to see what I came up with to trigger my spark, my muse. This is what I came up with ... It'll be a short novella.

"Well, regardless of that, I think you're awesome. My babies think you're awesome. My babies would love some cheesecake," Rose smirked.

"Nice segue," Bella laughed.

"Will you deny my offspring cheesecake?" Rose asked, rubbing her belly, and pouting adorably.

"No, I won't. Let's get some cheesecake."

Christmas Eve dawned cloudy and snowy. Alice's theme of a White Christmas was becoming too much. Edward arranged for Bella to get some time in the spa the morning of the wedding. He walked down there with her to get a haircut since Alice had a snit fit that his hair was too long at the rehearsal the evening prior.

Dressing in his tuxedo and Bella in her gown, they walked down to the lobby. Jasper was down in the lobby with his family. He grinned happily, hugging Edward and Bella. "Can you believe that today's the day?"

"I'm happy for you, Jas," Edward beamed. "But, if you need a getaway driver, I'm your man."

"I think I'll be okay," Jasper laughed. "Do you need a ride to the church? We're using the shuttle."

"Thank you, but we're going to use our rental," Edward answered. He slid his arm around Bella's waist, kissing her temple and whispering in her ear, "For a quick getaway, if need be."

"After last night, we might need it," Bella laughed, snuggling closer to Edward. He quietly agreed, kissing her forehead and ignoring the twisting of his heart, remembering the previous evening.

To say the rehearsal dinner was uncomfortable was an understatement. On the surface, everything was above board, but Carlisle, Emmett and Alice would make underhanded comments to Edward about his place in the family. To Bella's face, they were overly fake, friendly, but she'd heard a lot of comments about how she was white trash, trying to ingratiate herself to the Cullen's, to get a piece of the proverbial pie.

Bella was used to that. She didn't come from money. She had a decent amount saved because of what happened to her father and Jacob, listed as the primary beneficiary on both of their life insurance policies. She also received money from Billy, Rachel, and Rebecca's policies since there was no one left in the family line to get the money. Bella, however, gave that money to Quileute nation, saying it was rightfully theirs. She'd tried to do the same with Jacob's life insurance, but Old Quil, he was adamant on her keeping it since in his eyes, Bella and Jacob were soul mates, already married in the eyes of the tribe.

The SUV was pulled around to the front circle of the hotel. Edward gallantly helped Bella into the front seat. "You look exquisite, Bella," he whispered, trailing his fingers down her cheek.

"So do you, Edward. You in a tux? Yummy," Bella smiled, running her finger down his lapel. "But, it's cold."

"I know," Edward snorted, kissing her lips before closing the door of the car. He jogged around to the driver's side, rubbing his hands vigorously. "Snow, cold, wind ... Zero out of ten stars, do not recommend."

"Agreed," Bella giggled.

Edward expertly navigated the SUV to an older church close to the Cullen home. He dropped Bella off at the door since she wore her dress and silver pashmina that Esme had lent her. She waited just inside, watching the people as they walked in, wearing their finery. Esme, dressed in a dove grey gown with subtle sequins and three-quarter length sleeves, hugged Bella. "You look gorgeous, Bella. I'm so happy you're here."

"Thank you, Esme," Bella said. "Edward's parking the rental."

"He's such a gentleman, dropping you off," Esme beamed, hooking her arm through Bella's.

"Well, I couldn't exactly wear my puffer coat with this dress," Bella snickered, sliding her hands down her burgundy gown. "Thank you for the wrap. I'll make sure to ..."

"Keep it," Esme insisted. "It suits you, Bella."

"Shouldn't you be with Alice?" she asked. "Fawning over your daughter on her wedding day?"

Esme's lips thinned. "I don't know who that brat is in the bridal suite, but she's not my daughter. As soon as the photos were taken, I snuck out of the room and came up here. I wanted to find you and ..."

"Mom," Edward said, slipping into the vestibule of the church. His tuxedo had thick snowflakes on the shoulders. "Shouldn't you be with her majesty?"

"Nope, I'm right where I want to be," Esme responded, kissing her son's frigid cheek. "You're escorting me down the aisle. Bella, you'll sit next to me. Edward, can you guide her to the front pew?"

"Sure, Mom," Edward replied. "Shall we, gorgeous?" He offered Bella his elbow with a crooked grin.

"You can put me in the back. I'll be fine," Bella mumbled as they walked down the overly decorated church, covered with white flowers, painted white branches and twinkle lights on every flat surface.

"I'd rather be sitting with you, Bella. But, I'm stuck up on the altar as one of the groomsmen. My mom wanted you next to her and that's where you'll be," Edward smirked, helping her into the pew. Gently, he cupped her chin and guided her eyes to his. "I'm so happy you're here with me, Bella. You're amazing and selfless and ..." He wanted to say more, but with her history, he didn't want to freak her out. Instead, he brushed his lips over hers tenderly. "Merry Christmas, Bella. All I want for Christmas is you ..." Forever, he added mentally. He slightly deepened the kiss, nibbling on her lower lip. "As soon as the wedding's done, I'm back by your side."

"I'll just ogle you in your tuxedo," Bella panted, releasing her grip on his lapel. "This is ... you look so good. You're also amazing, Edward. Despite everything you've been dealt, you're generous, brilliant, and so much more."

His responding grin was beautiful. His arms slid around her body and kissed her deeply, in a way that was not appropriate for a church.

A snooty huff broke them apart. Edward saw his grandmother purse her lips at him disdainfully, but he just arched a brow at her in retribution. Nana Elizabeth Cullen was one of the many reasons he was treated like shit. Her prejudice rubbed off on her husband and grandchildren. "Be nice, Nana," Edward said warningly as he helped Bella down to sit. He pressed another kiss to Bella's temple. "One word, gorgeous. And, we're gone."

"I've got a thicker skin than that," Bella whispered, brushing his hair back. "Go be handsome and amazing."

"Ignore the shrew," he snickered, ducking out of the pew, and striding back down the aisle, wiggling his fingers at his grandmother.

Under her breath, Nana called Bella a two-bit whore. But, Bella ignored her, mentally counting the stain glass panes in the closest window.

A few moments later, the string quartet began playing and the wedding began in earnest. Jasper's parents were escorted first, standing in the pew across the aisle from Bella. Ruth and James Whitlock were friendly, smiling brightly at Bella. They were so unlike Carlisle and his brood. Which made Bella wonder, why did Jasper condone Alice's bratty behavior?

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