Chapter Two

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I've been in a funk recently and my muse as since floated away. I figured I'd try just free writing to see what I came up with to trigger my spark, my muse. This is what I came up with ... It'll be a short novella.

"Nope," Lauren chirped, handing him his change. "But, Bella marches to her own drummer. We love her for it."

Edward took his change, leaving some money for Lauren, but handing the rest to Bella as a tip. She took his hand, dragging him out of the bar. He followed like a dutiful puppy, becoming turned around in the bowels of the airport to her car. His slight inebriation didn't help much, either.

Arriving at an old, rusted Chevy truck, Bella wrenched open the door. The screech filled the garage, making both of them jump at the sound.

"How old is this thing?" Edward asked, doing the same as he tossed his luggage in the bed of the truck. He slid onto the seat, buckling his seatbelt. Despite its exterior, it was sparkling on the inside.

"Don't be hating on the truck," Bella chided. She shot him a glance. Her expression and voice seemed light, but the intensity in her eyes indicated that truck meant a lot to her.

"I'm not hating on the truck. It just seems like ... an interesting choice for you," Edward replied. "1957?"

"Yeah," Bella answered, turning over the monstrous engine. "You know cars?"

"No, but my sister-in-law does," Edward said. "She restores older vehicles to their former glory. She'd be able to shine up this beauty ... make her purr like a kitten."

"I have no doubt, but I love my truck as it is," Bella said, reversing out of the spot. "My dad gave me this truck and ... it has character." She blinked at Edward, smirking coyly. "Let me guess ... you drive a Beemer."

"Ugh, eww. No," Edward laughed. "That would be my sister-in-law. She's the queen of ostentatious. I'm more along the lines of safety. Living in Seattle, I drive an SUV ... four-wheel drive and some kick-ass windshield wipers."

"What kind of SUV, Hot Doc?" Bella giggled, arching a brow at him, and giving him a sly grin. "Is it something practical like a GMC or Honda? Or something fancy like a Volvo or Range Rover?"

"Does it matter?" Edward quipped.

"Nah, I'm just razzing you," she shrugged, merging onto the highway, and coaxing the truck to move a bit faster. It just heaved and hacked as it rumbled down the highway. "If I had to guess, you drive a Volvo. That's all sorts of safe."

"It's a Range Rover. It was a gift to myself when I finished my residency and became double board certified in emergency medicine and trauma surgery," Edward sighed over the engine. "Are you going to give me shit over my fancy SUV?"

"Nope. They're good cars," Bella said, exiting the highway and turning into a brightly lit parking lot. She parked the truck, smirking at him. "Breakfast, Hot Doc?"

"I'm so hungry that I could eat my shoe," Edward snorted. "I'm also so blitzed. The three drinks? What was I thinking?"

"This place has amazing sausage and biscuits," Bella chirped, hopping out of the car, and bounding to the diner. "It'll help sop up the alcohol, Edward."

Edward followed her, sitting down in a booth across from the pretty brunette who'd captured his attention. He picked up the greasy menu, looking over the offerings. Her suggestion of sausage and biscuits seemed to hit the spot. He decided to order that with a side of eggs and extra sausage. "Do you come here often after working at the bar?"

"Only when I can't sleep," Bella answered. "Which is quite often. Horrible insomnia, to be honest. I'm lucky if I get three hours a night. Hmmm, I think I'm in the mood for pancakes today. I want something sweet."

"You know, there are medications for insomnia," Edward said, sipping the water a server dropped off at their table.

"The meds trap me in my nightmares," Bella shrugged. "I don't want to relive ..." She trailed off, pushing the menu away. "So, tell me about yourself, Hot Doc. I want to know all the things about you."

"Um, why?" Edward asked, arching a brow.

"You're handsome and interesting," Bella replied. "Come on! Give me the details about Dr. Edward, other than you're double board certified in medical things. Where did you go to school? Did you wear braces? Any deep, dark secrets?"

Edward snorted out a laugh. "How about we play twenty questions? I'm not doing all the talking, Bella."

"Okay, okay," she said, waving her hand airily. "Let's start with where you were born?"

"I lived in Illinois, in a suburb outside of Chicago," Edward answered. "I left for college, and I haven't been back since. You?"

"I actually grew up near where you live now," Bella said. "I lived in a tiny town called Forks. I stayed there for most of my life, but left about two years ago after ... well, two years ago." Their game was paused as the server came to take their orders. After she left, Bella sipped her coffee and smiled at Edward. "Where did you go to college?"

"Undergrad, I went to Dartmouth," he answered. "For medical school, I went to Stanford. I was matched to Virginia Mason for residency, and I stayed there, becoming an attending physician." He spun the large glass of orange juice. "Did you go to college?"

"I went to UDub, majoring in music education," Bella answered. "I taught for about four years, almost five and I realized it wasn't for me. I lost my drive. I've been working at the bar and moonlighting as a sub in Phoenix for as long as I've lived here."

"Music education? What was your instrument?" Edward asked.

"Not your turn, Hot Doc," Bella chided. "Why haven't you been home since you left for college?"

"I, um, I'd prefer not to answer," Edward frowned.

"No passes allowed, Edward," Bella said. "You can be vague. Are you secretly an axe murderer?"

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