4. Purple Glows

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It had been exactly a week since they had come to Rome. Patricia was making lf a cup tea when she heard Catherine wake up. She went to her. But she was shocked to see that Cat looked pale and her eyes looked as if she were in a trance. She was holding her wand; she never even held her wand after coming to Rome because she thought she would risk the exposure of magic. She looked weak.

'Cat, are you okay?' Trixie asked Catherine but she didn't reply. She asked again Cat casted a spell that conjured ropes around Patricia.

She was shocked. Her own best friend tied ropes around her! But she realised that her bracelet was glowing blue and yellow together shock, fear and danger. She understood.
Catherine was under the imperius curse (causes the victim to follow the orders of the caster. Victim goes into a trance like state and is unaware of their surroundings).

Trixie remembered an imperius curse case and recollected what the auror did to get them back

'Cat, this is you. Catherine Rose Beatrix. I'm your best friend. Patricia Flynn. There is only one voice you can hear and its mine. Are you listening to my voice?' Cat nodded her head that meant yes.

'You are now going to come back to consciousness. Come back to yourself. Put your wand down if you have come back to your conscience.' She put her wand down. That meant she is breaking the barrier.
'I want you to slowly break the curse in 3 seconds okay? 1....2....3.... now slowly come back to yourself, Catherine Beatrix.'

Cat shook her head and looked at Trixie. She came back to her conscience and broke the spell . She bent down to her and released her from the ropes sobbing. Trixie hugged her and told her to tell her what had happened.

She told Trixie that the phone call she got that day was from the ministry telling her that one of them has to die or jealousy would cause conflicts resulting in a clash in the magical system and would destroy the world.

'Cat, would anything like that ever happen?'

'It is possible we've read in a book of the ways the world would end. Haven't we?'

But one question lingered in both heads; who will it be to sacrifice themself for the greater good?

They started on a heated, crying conversation wanting to sacrifice themselves and save the other, pointing their wands to their heads. Their bracelets alternating between blue, black and red. Sadness, confusion and anger.

'Trix. Please just let me die alone! It would be better if I died.'

'If you kill yourself, then I will kill myself right after.' Trixie begged.

Catherine put her wand down 'I won't kill myself then, but you will have to kill me.'

'Do you actually think I will stay here if you die?' Patricia said

'Please just let me die. Let it not be in vain.' This seemed to have an effect on Patricia she lowered her wand.

Catherine took this chance and casted the killing curse on herself. A flash of green light blinded Trixie's eyes.

She was gone.

Her bestfriend, only best friend, was gone. She cried a lot, hoping no one would ever go through anything like this. Bracelets glowing purple and blue. Catherine's included pink.

They got what they wanted. Peace for the world.
But lost what they needed. Each other


I wish we could try this again, in
reverse. This time, we could begin in the ashes. and end in butterflies instead.


A/N thats the end yalll
Tell me how it was.
Thank yall for reading this 💟💟💟✨✨✨
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