"Not us."

Daryl scoffs, "Yeah, right."

"Not...us," The skin spoke again, "Go to the border, lay down your weapons, and wait."

"Wait for what?"


Hunter looks between Michonne and Daryl as the woman walks away. There wasn't a chance that these attacks weren't the Alpha's doing.


They had called a council meeting and told everyone what was going on. Everyone was arguing with each other about what they were going to do and if this was the Alpha or not.

"Alright!" Michonne shouts, silencing all the other voices before looking over at Lydia, "Is this your mother?"

"No. I don't think it is," Lydia answers.

"Why's she want to talk to us?" Daryl asks her.

Lydia hugs herself as everyone looks to her for answers, "You crossed into her land. Again. You have to answer for that."

"We don't have to do anything," Aaron spoke up, "We could just not go."

"That's a bad idea," Lydia says.

"We're already under attack," Dante spoke up. Hunter's eyes move to the doctor, and he feels a bit stupid but he has no idea who this man is.

"It isn't her. If she wanted you dead, she'd send the horde," Lydia spoke over all of them, "All of it, not just a few waves at a time."

"Maybe she's trying to wear us down first," Carol says.

"Or, as I relayed to you at the beginning of this meeting, there's reason to believe the satellite and fire—"

"I don't want to hear about the damn satellite anymore, Eugene!" A woman shouted over him, "My friends died trying to save yours and ended up with their heads on spikes. The Highwaymen want justice! So all I want to hear from you is that you're gonna take a dozen of us to meet these freaks at the border and that we're gonna take that lead bitch's head off!"

"Okay, I don't want to be an asshole or anything but can you shut up and sit down, please?" Hunter sighs at the number of people who are agreeing with this woman, "Your friends aren't the only ones who died that day. So please enough of that."

He lost Tara, Enid, and Henry. Frankie, Tammy, Addy, Rodney. Most of them were kids and part of his community. and this woman is going on about the Highwaymen losing two men. He was over that woman.

"How many walkers did you see in Alpha's horde?" Hunter asks Daryl.

"Tens of thousands."

Hunter hums and turns his attention back to Margo, "And so, what exactly is your plan to take out the horde? I didn't quite catch it," Margo stayed silent, "It wasn't a rhetorical question."

"I don't have one."

Hunter mockingly shrugs his shoulders, "Interesting. Does anybody else have a plan?" When everyone kept their mouth shut, he feels he's done his part and relaxed back in his chair.

"If she sends that horde, that's it!" Michonne exclaims, "Right now, all she wants to do is talk. And we are going to listen. Now, while we are doing that, everyone here needs to focus on what's coming in from the north and the south. We're tired. We are on edge. And it is going to get worse before it gets better. But we aren't gonna get through it all if we do not act as one."


Michonne layed out a map infront of them, "Three objectives means three groups. Gabriel will take point in guarding the gate from the northern wave, while Aaron will take some toops and handle the southern wave, breaking it up before it hits the wall. That leaves us, and the border."

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