Chapter 30 - Decency!

Start from the beginning

He lay down beside Shazia, placed her head on his chest and recited 'Allahumma inni as'aluka min khayriha wa khayri ma jubilat ‘alaih, wa ‘audhu bika min sharriha wa sharri ma jubilat 'alaih' (O Allah, I seek the good in her from You and the goodness in the habit and character in her and seek refuge in You from her evil habits and character) while holding Shazia's forehead. Shazia also recited the same. He said the bedside adkhars (prayers) for protection and rubbed his palms on Shazia's face and also his. 'Goodnight Noorie'. He placed a kiss on her forehead, locked her in an embrace and slowly drifted into sleep. Shazia was restless all night while Aadeel slept in peace.

This continued for more than a week. Aadeel was really scared of not finding Shazia a virgin so he never approached her. He knew Khaleed didn't rape her back then but he was scared that maybe she willingly gave it to someone else considering the fact that only few ladies consider it a big deal nowadays.


Naeem's Residence - 28th March, 2021

Husnah walked down the stairs dressed in a fitted grey gown, with a scarf wrapped around her head, plated her food and headed for her parlour.

'Husnah!' Naeem called and she froze in her tracks, without turning to look at him. 'For how long will this continue?' He asked, not expecting an answer. 'Marriage isn't a joke! I don't know why you consider it a child's play!' He paused. 'Will you keep communicating with me through messages till the end of our lives? And what about my rights on you? Are you not even bothered about Allah's Wrath?'. Husnah still refused to look at him and it angered him. 'Look Husnah, nobody is forcing you to stay with me, if you don't love me anymore and also do not wish to stay with me, please inform Umma. You have till 16th April to make your decision and I promise you that whatever it is, I'll respect it. God knows I've tried my best but it seems my best isn't enough'. He bellowed.

'Do not try to turn this around please'. She messaged and walked away, leaving him dumbfounded.

'What does this girl take me for?'. He was really angry so he left for his room so as not to take an impetuous action he'll regret.

Husnah felt really bad considering that was the first time he yelled at her since the marriage but she still wasn't ready to budge till she was sure he had learnt his lesson. She had to force herself to eat the food because she was so disturbed by his sudden outburst.

She later went to the dining room to clear the table knowing fully well he wasn't going to eat.

The next day, she made breakfast so as not to complicate matters. She was still very much in love with him and she wasn't ready to lose him.


Aadeel's Residence - 2nd April, 2021

Aadeel had already made up his mind that come what may, he was ready to consummate his marriage that night. He performed ablution, prayed 2 nawafil raka'ats and beseeched Allah to grant him whatever was best for him and also the strength to bear it. He told Shazia to get her prayer set and meet him in his room, handing her a set of nightwear. Shazia's heart skipped a beat and she kept whispering any du'a that came to her head. She went to her room, bathed and performed ablution, got dressed, picked up her prayer set and headed back to her husband's room.

Aadeel and Shazia prayed a 2 raka'at nawafil prayer and he recited 'Bismillah, Allahumma jannibnash-shaytan wa jannib-ash-shaytana ma razaqtana' (I am having relations in the name of Allah. O Allah save us from Satan and keep him away from the children You grant us). That night, Aadeel consummated his marriage and found his wife a virgin. He couldn't wait for fajr so he got up, had his ghusl (Purification bath), and prayed nawafil salah thanking Allah SWT for the blessing.

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