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For @Imasimp6923

     You had met Rick shortly after Morgan's son Dwayne hit him over the head with a shovel when he had been calling out to a walker he assumed was a person.

You'd been staying with Morgan, since he'd decided to help you when you were in need of shelter as well, and naturally you were curious when Dwayne dragged in what looked like a deranged man in a hospital gown; who you later found out was Rick.

When Rick decided to leave to find his wife and child, you left with him to search for your husband. Originally you were scared to go out because you would be alone, but now that you had someone else to travel with you weren't so afraid.

You and Rick said your thanks and good luck to Morgan and Dwayne, and went off on your own to look for your loved ones.

The two of you agreed, after gathering supplies from the police station, to go into Atlanta to look for them first; assuming that's where most people would have pooled originally after the fall.

You both rode on stolen horses into the city, then were quickly swept by a herd who ate the horses out from under you, and you were forced into a tank.

You both thought that would be the end of the line, until Glenn came to your rescue. He just barely helped you escape the tank and brought you back to the half of his group that got stranded in Atlanta gathering supplies.

That's when you heard the gunshots then ran up on to the roof with the others and saw him. Merle. You'd always despised the man. "Hey bitch, how's it goin?" He rasped, pressing air out of his ashy lungs.
"Merle, I'm surprised you're still alive. Must've found somethin' to drink to tide you over you drunken bastard." He laughed loudly, and met your eye. The two of you stared each other down for a moment before he looked away and continued firing off drunken shots.

Eventually, he ended up hand cuffed to the piping on the roof, and you were on watch duty. You sat near him, but far enough away so that he couldn't get to you. Then you spoke.

"Where's Daryl?"
He didn't speak for a moment, seeming to ponder over something in his head. "Dunno."
Your eyes thinned, feeling as though he did. "Tell me."
"I told you already woman I don't fuckin' know."
You sighed, and rolled your eyes. "Do you at least know if he's alive?"
"I know he's tough as hell. My baby brother learned a thing or two from me, so I'd guess that fucker's still out there somewhere." He grinned toothily, his nasty yellow- no doubt cavity ridden teeth on full display.

You looked away, and closed your eyes in the soft breeze, allowing yourself to take a deep breath.

The group came rushing back up the stairs, explaining how you had to leave, and you followed orders quickly, leaving Merle without a shadow of a doubt. Much to his dismay. He met hurried footsteps down metal stairs with his rasped out screams of, "LET ME OUT YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!" Or, "I'LL FUCKIN' GET YOU WHEN I GET OUTTA HERE!!"
You still didn't feel bad for him, even after hearing that one of the members of the group lost the key to his cuffs.

After Rick, you, and the group made a plan and escaped back to their camp, that's when it happened.

You were happily scrubbing some clothes in the quarry, at peace after watching Rick reunite with his beautiful family, when you heard screaming. You and a couple of the other women came running, to find a walker chewing on a deer that looked like a pin cushion; multiple familiar arrows in its side.

The group's men came flying through the brush to kill the singular walker, pitch forks and guns pointed at it from every direction.

They took it down to the ground, but it's jaw was still snapping hungrily, and the entire group was watching in awe at the repulsive remains of a human being.

Suddenly, something made shuffling noises in the brush. The entire group snapped their gazes up to stare into the brush, weapons drawn and guns aimed. Your heart was racing inside your chest, until you saw a familiar face come out of the trees carrying a crossbow.

He was looking down, speaking in his familiar rough southern accent, "Son of a bitch, that's my deer!" He sighed, "Look at it, all gnawed on by this filthy, disease-bearin', motherless, poxy!" He yelled as he kicked the walker angrily.
You just stood there in awe, completely shocked that he was even still alive or that he was even here. The possibility that you'd find him again was one in a million, and yet here he stood. Kicking at a dead walker. He always adapted well, so you weren't too surprised.

Daryl looked up after throwing his tantrum, and his eyes immediately met yours. His eyes widened in shock, and he dropped his crossbow to the ground beside him. "Baby?" He rasped.
You smiled ear to ear, tears brimming at your cheeks as you nodded. You flew from behind the barrier of men and into his arms. He picked you up by the underside of your thighs, and burried his face into your neck. "Oh baby, where have you been?" He cried into your neck.
"I got stuck in Atlanta and stayed with a kind man until I met Rick, and we met Glenn. He brought us back here." You replied through tears, fingers running through his hair.

He let you down after a few minutes, his hands immediately finding your cheeks to hold as he pressed his lips to yours. "I missed you so much." You whispered, your hands resting on his chest.
"Oh me too baby, me too." He rasped, pressing his lips to yours before wrapping his arms around you again.

Daryl Dixon one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora