7 :: Gone

170 10 1

16 days


Dear Clarinna,

It's been four days. Four days since I last saw you. Four days since you've last replied to any of my messages. Where are you? I'm worried sick.

Sincerely, H.

Harry took a deep breath as he hit send. Where is Clarinna? Harry spent all week doing nothing but worry. At work, at his house, in his dreams, and everywhere he goes. Clarinna is always on his mind making him anxious.

He decided to take a nap and rest. Maybe he needed a break? It stressed him way too much.

He flinched and flinched into his position. There was no point on even bothering to sleep. He kept staring at his phone, hoping that she'd reply. He made sure to send her at least one message per hour. Sometimes even twice, or thrice. He couldn't help but send another.

Hello Clarinna,

Where are you? I hope wherever you are you're doing great. I'm worried sick, I really am. I miss you. Please text back?

Sincerely, H.

Harry scrolled through his and Clarinna's messages. Some that made him laugh, some that made him sad. It was weird to not have her around. It felt unusual. It's like a part of him is missing without her.

He didn't had anything else to do, he couldn't sleep or talk to anyone else. It's 3 am. Of course everyone is asleep, except him. The constant calls and conversations that they had messed up his sleeping schedule pretty bad,

He just sat there, staring at the ceiling blankly, watching the world fade to black as he kept imagining things that are as close to impossible.

"Get your shit together, Harry." he mumbled to himself as he pressed his hands onto his forehead because of the headache he got from overthinking.

"Look at what you're doing to yourself. You're screwing yourself up for some girl you'll never meet or even get a chance with."

The thoughts ran over and over again playing with his feelings that made him feel despondent. He took a deep breath as curled himself into a ball and just laid there in his bed, alone, crying himself to sleep.

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