5 :: Connection

212 12 2

22 days

It's late at night and Harry was still on the phone, with Clarinna. Practically talking about each other's whole life story.

"Do you have any siblings?" asked Clarinna.

"Yup. Her name is Gemma, she's the older sibling. What about you?"

"An only child, sadly." Harry can feel Clarinna frowning even though she's a million miles away. It's like he can feel whatever she's feeling without even asking.

Harry was alarmed as he glanced at the windows on his bedroom, the sun was slowly coming up, the sound of chirping birds as loud as ever.

"The sun is up.." whispered Harry.

"Oh god, I'm sorry Harry! I know, I shouldn't be keeping you up it's -"

"Clarinna, please. You don't have to be worried about me. All I care about right now is you."

"I care a lot about you too, Harry. It's just that I'm concerned with your health. We've been talking pretty much all week and -"

"Shhhh... Relax Clarinna, inhale... exhale.." calmed Harry.

"Oh shush."

"I like you, Clarinna. Like a lot."

"I like you too, Harry. It's just that..." Harry can feel Clarinna's heart slowly dropping.

"Just.. what?"

"It's just.. nevermind. Forget about what I said."

"Clarinna, can I tell you something?" asked Harry, his voice a little bit raspy as he was talking all night long with Clarinna.

"What is it?" she questioned, a hint of excitement on her voice.

"I don't wanna seem weird, or insane but Clarinna, I have this wonderfully odd feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever I skype with you, or exchange messages with you. I know we've only been talking for a couple of days now, I don't wanna scare you off. It's been so long since I truly felt like this."

"Harry.." she cooed.

"You seem awesome. You seem wonderful, beautiful, good hearted. You're in New York, I'm in England. Timezones may have challenged the both of us but we proved it wrong. One day, I'd gladly pay for plane tickets to meet with you there, on New York. I want to meet you, Clarinna. I'm genuinely interested in you, if you were here, I'd pursue you, like a gentleman of course." smiled Harry.


"I'm sorry if I just randomly spoke my heart out, I genuinely mean every word. I want to meet you, Clarinna."

"One day, Harry. One day we shall meet. Not right now but.. we will meet at the right moment, at the right time."

"When fate gives us a chance."

"Yeah... but not right now."

"I understand." nodded Harry, feeling a little bit downhearted.

"I'm sorry, Harry."

"I know, I'm totally rushing you and -"

"No, it's not that.. It's different. No matter how many secrets I've told you the past few days.. I can never tell you this one. I'm sorry."

"It's totally fine, Clarinna. I understand. This is your polite way of rejecting -"

"No. Please, I'm not rejecting you. I'd gladly choose you in a heartbeat. It's just.. not the right moment for us."


"I guess we should end this call now?"

"I guess so.."

"You drop it."

"No you drop -"

"Harry, drop it. I don't want you to reach your phone call limit."

"Okay then.." frowned Harry as he slowly bring his finger on his phone screen as he tapped end call.


This fanficion is based on a true story of one of my OTPs aka Colleen and Joshua, I was truly moved by their story that I was inspired to write it, I just changed up a lot of things.

I seriously am going to finish this fic today.

And I only proof read once on this fic because no time but Ill proof read everything once I finish so sorry for all the typos and accidentally writing a part in someones POV rather than third person. Im not used to writing or reading in third person okay.

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