3 :: Relations

298 10 2

28 DAYS..


Dear Miss Clarinna Sullivan,

I think you're a really interesting person. Whatever it is you're going through, I hope it all works out.

All the love. H.

It has been exactly 48 hours since their first conversation. Harry couldn't help but make sure she's doing well, of course he wrote her a letter that he sent through a text, hoping she'd reply.

Dear Harry Styles,

Styles is your last name eh? I'm not very sure. All is well. You don't have to worry about me nor talk to me ever again. Not that I would mind.

Yours truly xx

Harry smiled as he read the text message for what seemed like 50 times before thinking of something to reply.


I see your interested in seeing me again, Miss Sullivan. I'll be online on Skype tonight. If you'd like to talk with me, then talk with me. Cause I'll be on it. Tonight.

Sincerely, H.

It didn't took Clarinna that long to respond which excited Harry.

I see someones eager to see me. Too bad. I can't make it. Why not just chat here eh?

Harry frowned once he received the news, nevertheless, he still looked at the bright side and texted Clarinna.

Harry: Hiiiiiii

Clarinna: Hello :)

Harry: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Clarinna: Hello hello

Harry: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Clarinna: Oh. Shut up.

Harry: what are you doing?

Clarinna: im at work with my.. friend

Harry: friend?

Clarinna: yes, how about you?

Harry: im at my apartment here in england, i have no work today so

Clarinna: oh. whats your job?

Harry: i work as a supervisor at a hotel. how about you? :)

Clarinna: that's interesting. uhhhm i work as an office manager at my parent's company business thing. i honestly have no idea what their company is even about ahah umm so i didnt even wanna be a manager my parents just gave me this job, i wanted to be a flight attendant and travel the world and... okayyyy TOO MUCH INFORMATION ahah xx

Harry: No no.. :) that's okay. you really are something, Clarinna. id love to get to know you better. I say we play 20 questions?

Clarinna: sure, seems fun. but i cant promise to answer all of them ;)

Harry: ooooh i like that. me first or you?

Clarinna: me. duh.

Clarinna: what's your favorite color? (wow im so interesting)

Harry: i have a lot. it changes a lot depending on my mood. sometimes blue, green, orange, black, pink, white or whatever's pretty. one does not simply only have one favorite color - words of wisdom by harry styles

Harry: my turnnn.... if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? xx

Clarinna: i'd love to explore california, all that universal studios and disney world stuff. ive always wanted to go to disneyland ever since i was young but my parents never let me. they told me it was bullshit, they told me it was a distraction from my studies. i guess you could say i didn't had a childhood that i enjoyed.

Harry: ...im sorry clarinna. now i feel like a spoiled child. that mustve really sucked ass

Clarinna: its whatever harry, its just a dumb thing now once youve grown up. your turn.

Harry: alrightyy then.. what was the longest relationship you've ever been in?

Clarinna: i dont even know. i dont even think ive ever gotten into a serious relationship. most of the time its just dating, i think. no serious stuff. my parents are always the ones who set up rich boys for me. they only care about the money. it hurts harry, when you think it's all real but it really is just a stupid act, a setup.

Clarina: HAHAHHAHAHA nevermind. too much info. my turn: tell me about your past relationships

Harry: first of all, you don't deserve your parents' treatment. you deserve better. and relationhips.. hmm.... i suck at them. im an open book for telling all of this. (also a dumbass) i suck at relationships. its not me. its the women. they hate me. they keep leaving me, they keep cheating on me. i dont even know what im doing wrong? i treat them like a queen everyday. i dont think ive ever experienced true love before, sadly.

Clarinna: same

Harry: so, are you seeing anyone right now?

Clarinna: i dont even know.

Harry: so youre seeing someone?

Clarinna: i dunno

Harry: answer me, clarinna

Clarinna: i guess? But its not official. he treats me like a friend. my parents and his always tells us were a couple. i dont even know why. but theres nothing i feel when hes with me. i feel nothing. arent you supposed to feel butterflies on your stomach when youre with someone you love? or am i weird? Oh nevermind. its just that i feel nothing when were together

Harry: who is this guy?

Clarinna: i really shouldnt be telling you stuff like this but im telling you anyways so, i guess you could say i trust you?

Harry: :)

Clarinna: his name is is liam, his parents and mine are business partners. and yeah. thats it. nothing interesting.

Harry: ohh.. where are you right now?

Clarinna: im on my way to my car, just got off a metting. im on my way to go home. its almost like 6 pm here? I think

Harry: dont text and drive clarinna! keep your eyes on the road!

Clarinna: ok mom

Clarinna: oh my god, im sorry harry. i just realized its like 11 there. im sorry i shouldnt be keeping you up. its late. please get some rest.

Harry dialed Clarinna's number in a matter of seconds.

"Harry, please have some rest. I'm on my way home now. Don't call me."

"I don't care Clarinna, relax. Im used to being up at this time. You don't have to worry."

"Please Harry, get some sleep."

"I will..... If you call me once you get home."

"Ugh fine."

"Goodnight my munchkin."

"Goodnight, Harry."


Ill read over this later, no time to edit because im dying currently.

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