Chapter 10 - Questions and Questions and Questions

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"Do you like Flug?"

BlackHat froze at the question. He did like Flug but wasn't ever sure if Flug liked him back. Even if it was painfully obvious. The demon couldn't ever comprehend even the thought that anyone could like a monster like himself let alone love.

"Why." That's all the boss could get out.

"Jefe, I need you to be honest with me. Do you like Flug? This could save his life if you answer me!!" Demencia had tears in her eyes at this point. She had been whisper yelling not wanting Flug to know what she was doing.

"I...I don't know Demencia."

"Do you get a weird feeling in your stomach when you talk or think about him?" Demencia asked, putting her weight on her left side and crossing her arms.


"Do your thoughts constantly end up being Flug even if what you were thinking had nothing to do with him?"

"...Yeah..." The demon hated being called out like this but what she was saying was true and if he told the truth Flug might be able to live through this disease.

"Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to start a family with him?"

This question caught the demon off guard. He had thought about it. Multiple times. BlackHat always wanted biological children but never liked anyone enough to even glance at the thought of having one with them. But he had thought about that with Flug. He never realized it at first but the more the lizard girl asked him these questions the more he realized he did like Flug.

"Ohhhh fuckkkk" BlackHat muttered.

"Fucking called it." Demencia said, making an annoyed face at the demon. "Listen Boss. If we want Flug to live you need to confess to him by the end of the month. I don't care when but it has to be soon. The longer this goes on the more pain Flug is in."

"How do you even know Flug likes me?"

"Flug was mumbling about you and how he was scared if you ever found out that he liked you. He also was going on a rant about how he could surgically remove the flowers but completely forget you if he did so." Demencia replied putting her hands on her hips.

"Could you help me?" The demon asked.


"I don't know how to tell someone you like them...or anything that has to do with relationships all together...could you... me with confessing to Flug..?" BlackHat asked unsure how to put his thoughts into words. He rarely ever asked for help so it was weird hearing or seeing it for that matter.

"OF COURSE!!!" Demencia squealed. "I never thought this day would ever come! Oh my Satan!!" She kept rambling while jumping up and down.

Demencia grabbed the demon by the arm and dragged him to her room where she had a whole plan already set up. She sat BlackHat on a chair as she explained everything to him.

Behind the closed door of the Flug's room 505 was laying Flug down to rest for the night. It had been an eventful evening and the doctor was worn out. In fact he couldn't even walk anymore because of everything that happened. He couldn't keep anything down except water. Anything else was thrown up within minutes.

505 gestured to Flug to drink more water but Flug only shook his head and turned on his side. 505 sighed, placing the water down on his side table then layed back down in his own bed a yawn escaped through the bear's mouth right before he fell into a deep slumber.

Flug turned around in his bed to look at 505. The doctor smiled at the bear. 505 was practically his son at this point. He created him and raised him. Flug knew he was being a bit harsher than usual but he couldn't help it anymore. The flowers always caused him to be in pain. He knows he shouldn't take it out on the poor bear and the doctors trying to get better about it. Hopefully when this is all over 505 will be in good hands.

Flug yawned rolled over to face the wall then let his heavy eyes close to let sleep take over his aching body.

A/N:  So next few chapters will contain self harm and suicide so that everyone is aware. I thought that some fluff would be nice before all that even though it wasn't a lot.

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