Chapter 2 - Flug's Secret, Research, and Plans

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Flug practically slammed the bathroom door on the opposite end of the house of everyone else. He immediately hunched over the toilet throwing and coughing up anything that was either in his stomach or in his lungs.

Blood splattered on the inside of the toilet along with baby's-breath and new flower as it seemed.

What seemed like a river of dark red petals began to flow out of Flug's throat. Flug was trying not to cry but was being overwhelmed by pain and his body slowly being emptied. He felt like he was going to die.

The doctor was finally starting to cough up less and less petals as time went on. Soon he was just kneeling over the toilet staring at all the blood that came out of his lungs. But this started to raise a question. Why was there a new flower? What flower was this?

Flug reached into the bloody water and picked up one of the red petals and looked at it then shoved it into his pocket making a mental note to check it out later.

He flushed the bloody remains in the toilet and washed out his mouth with water trying to rinse out any more blood or petals out of his mouth.

Flug opened the bathroom door and went to his room.

Meanwhile on the other side of the manor BlackHat and Demencia were staring at each other in shock in front of an opened trash bag that Flug took out earlier. It was spilling out blood and small white flowers. Both BlackHat and Demencia looked up at each other then back at the bag.

"Where was this?" BlackHat croaked out.

"Flug threw it out this morning. I saw blood dripping from it but he refused to say anything about it and I got worried." Demencia answered, picking out a couple flowers from the blood pooling out of the bag.

BlackHat looked at the flower he had picked up earlier and picked up a flower from the bag. "How long has he been throwing up each morning?" BlackHat said, comparing the two flowers.

"About one year now." Demencia answered, now pulling out her phone in what seemed like a rush.

"Now is not the time for being on your phone Demencia." BlackHat scolded as Demencia began aggressively typing on her screen. The lizard girl stuck out her tongue and started gnawing on it as she began scrolling before vocalizing again.

"AHA!" She smiled and pointed at the phone screen at BlackHat. "I read about this while trying to see why Flug could be throwing up but I didn't think it could be this since Flug's never showed interest in anyone! But it makes perfect sense now!" Demencia sounded proud of herself but then was deflating within seconds as BlackHat opened his mouth.

"Hanahaki? Really? Isn't that just a made up thing?" BlackHat asked, pinching the bridge of his nonexistent nose.

" well..." Demencia started "it's been spotted in a couple areas now and so far all the facts are lining up with it." Demencia finished.

"Then who does Flug love?" BlackHat reminded her while putting down the flowers he was holding. Then putting his head in his hands. Now the demon was finally getting worried about this.

"Well it says that normally the victim will cough up the other person's favorite flowers over time so at this point we just have to wait until we see more petals" Dementia uttered.

BlackHat sighed and looked down the hallway.

"We should check the bathrooms when he runs off like did. See if he leaves anything behind on accident, maybe have him around more? That's my guess at the point." BlackHat explained, trying to make sense of what's happening.

"Alright I'll check the bathrooms." Demencia said in a hushed tone worrying for her friend.

After a while the trash bag was cleaned up along with any blood that was either on the counter or on the floor. Now Demencia and BlackHat were discussing ways that they could get Flug out of his room more.

They've discussed movie nights, game nights, eating breakfast,lunch and dinner with everyone together -as a family Demencia says-, they even talked about putting cameras in some of the rooms in the manor just to see how Flug reacts to everyone. At this point they've discussed everything under the sun and decided on a couple.

1. Eating breakfast and dinner together.

2. Having movie nights every once and a while.

3. Putting up a few cameras.

They knew that the camera thing was a bit rude but they didn't have any other choice. It was obvious that Flug wasn't going to tell them what was wrong and that he needed help and he would be completely against cameras being set up in the manor or if cameras were set up he would be in control of them and wouldn't let anyone see him when his disease was acting up.

The next day the plan that they had made would start. The only thing that the two of them were really worried about was time. They could only hope that it wasn't too late for Flug. But if it was, they wanted to have as many happy memories as they could with him.

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