Chapter Thirteen | Two Choices

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Beomgyu looked up and saw a portal opening above Soobin.

"We need to get in there NOW!" Beomgyu practically yelled, springing to his feet. The others followed as he ran to the top of the hill.

"Stop!" Beomgyu yelled, making Lord Shi-woo's head snap up.

"Take care of them." Lord Shi-woo said dismissively with an annoyed sigh.

Lord Shi-woo continued as Yoonbin tried knocking Beomgyu over. Before he could, Yeonjun rushed over and pushed him.

Beomgyu said a quick thanks before continuing on his way, before Yoshi and Jeongwoo blocked him.

"Move!" Beomgyu said, glancing around them to make sure Soobin was still okay. Yoshi looked at him sadly.

"If only that was possible." Yoshi said, pulling back his sleeve and looking at the wrist band. Kai and Taehyun rushed to Beomgyu's side.

"It's okay, we'll handle this." Taehyun said, looking at his friends. "Sorry, guys."

Yoshi shrugged. "No offense taken."

Kai and Taehyun shared a look before rushing forward to try and grab them, though of course, under Lord Shi-woo's control, they tried resisting.

Beomgyu rushed around them, and once he was close, he realized the ritual was almost complete. In one desperate attempt, he launched himself forward and tackled Lord Shi-woo.

"NO ONE TRIES AND TAKES MY BUNNY'S SOUL!" Beomgyu shouted as they rolled around on the ground.

Soobin watched everything with wide eyes, and prayed Beomgyu would be okay.

"Foolish boy! You can't stop me!" 

"I can try!" Beomgyu said, pushing him away and staggering to his feet. He ran forward and grabbed the crystal. He also realized Yoonbin, Yoshi, and Jeongwoo were knocked out.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't destroy it now!" Beomgyu yelled, raising it over his head as Taehyun unchained Soobin.

Lord Shi-woo laughed. "You're going to fade in just a few minutes. And for some reason, if that doesn't destroy you, the crystal will. You should know that."

"I do, but..." Beomgyu glanced at Soobin. "It'll be worth it. Because it will destroy you too."

"Beomgyu? I- don't do it!" Soobin gasped, a tear running down his cheek.

"I might not have a choice. It's either that, or your soul gets taken to the evil spirit dimension. It's awful, and you don't deserve that." Beomgyu said, seriously, his eyes full of determination. 

"But..." Soobin couldn't finish. Beomgyu had clearly made up his mind, and it was killing him.

Beomgyu turned back towards Lord Shi-woo, who was smiling.

"What?" Beomgyu asked, coldly. "I don't think now's the time to smile."

"Foolish, foolish child. You're out of time."

And as Lord Shi-woo said those words, the hand that was holding the crystal faded completely. Beomgyu's eyes widened in panic as his whole body started to disppear.

But in one last attempt, he grabbed the crystal with his hand that hadn't faded, and looked at Soobin.

"I love you."

And with that, he threw the crystal onto the ground, making it break into a million little pieces. Soobin screamed as he, Taehyun, Kai, Yeonjun and Jaehyuk got blasted back several feet.

There was dust everywhere, but when it cleared, Soobin staggered to his feet and gasped.

There was Beomgyu, examining his hands that were not faded. Lord Shi-woo was gone though.

"I- how-"

That's as far as Beomgyu got before Soobin ran to him and practically tackled him. "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you."

Beomgyu hugged Soobin back tightly. "I love you too."

"Uh, hate to break this up, but is that supposed to happen?" Yeonjun asked, looking past Soobin and Beomgyu.

Beomgyu let go of Soobin and turned to see two portals. One green, and one misty white.

He was also surprised to see that Taehyun and Kai didn't look surprised.

"Did you guys know this would happen??" Beomgyu asked, "Because I thought I would be destroyed like Lord Shi-woo."

"Well, I only told Taehyun what Master Ha-Jun told me." Kai said slowly, "But, yes, you would be destroyed, if you had bad intentions. But you were saving Soobin because you love him. Now because of that, you have two choices. Either become a good spirit,"

Kai pointed to the misty white portal. "Or stay in the human dimension and become human. Permanently."

Beomgyu and Soobin shared a wide eyed look. He wanted to be with Soobin, but... this was his chance to do good, and right the wrongs he made.

With a shuddering breath, Beomgyu spoke.

"I know what I have to do."


crn8rccrecrw now epilogue eeeeeeee

Evil Spirits |Soogyu| |ft. Treasure|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora