Chapter Two | First time for everything

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"Remind me again why I have to be the one who comes?" Taehyun said, sighing as he followed Beomgyu to the portal.

"Because you can focus better then Yoshi, and Jeongwoo and Yoshi need to make up." Beomgyu said in a matter of fact tone.

Taehyun just sighed again and said nothing as they reached the portal.

"Here's the pendant to switch to human form." Beomgyu said, handing Taehyun a small pendant that he added to his chain along with the other one. "And you have the portal crystal, right?"

Taehyun nodded. "Yeah. Let's just go."

Beomgyu stepped into the portal, and glanced back as Taehyun went through next. 

"Human form time." Beomgyu said. He closed his eyes and held the pendant, whispering what he was instructed to say. Slowly, his body no longer became see through. Being a human had a different sensation. One Beomgyu missed.

Being a spirit, you always felt a tinge of cold. But being a human, it was different. No trace of the lingering cold. And... he didn't just feel evil anymore. He felt... good. Like he could be anything he wanted. Good, bad, it was his choice now.

"Whoa." Beomgyu mumbled, looking at his hand, which he could no longer see through.

"Yeah." Taehyun agreed. 

"Maybe we should just stay like this and run away." Beomgyu joked, continuing to examine himself. Joking... he hasn't done it in a while. Taehyun snorted.

"Lord Shi-woo has the power to fade us away completely somehow if we try to run away. Plus, we're still, you know.... Dead. This is merely just a shell."

"Shit." Beomgyu mumbled with a defeated sigh. "That sucks."

Taehyun nodded. "Let's just get the job done."

And with that, they walked out onto the streets, merging with the people.

"It's been strangely peaceful." Hueningkai said as he sat beside Asahi. It seemed the evil spirit dimension hadn't tried taking any souls in some time. Maybe it took longer for it to get weakened. Who knows? He wasn't complaining, though.

"Yeah. They'll probably strike soon, though. You know how they are." Asahi said with a sigh. Kai thought over the whole history of when the evil spirits started taking souls.

Before the evil spirits, people just died from natural causes, murder, diseases, accidents, etc. But then the evil spirits started causing the accidents, killing the people and taking their souls, and now it seemed the people died more from that then anything else. It seemed rather crude to Kai, but there was nothing anyone could do to stop them. Sadly, they were the reason Kai died. He trusted the wrong 'person', who turned out to be an evil spirit. But thankfully, before they could take his soul to the evil spirit dimension, a good spirit stopped them and took his soul there instead. 

Junkyu suddenly appeared beside Asahi and Kai and grinned as they jumped in surprise.

"Oi, you need to stop doing that." Asahi said, shivering slightly, "I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up."

"Same." Kai agreed, shaking his head and chuckling.

"You guys should be used to it by now." Junkyu said, blinking in and out of sight while laughing. "I only do this about- Whoa!"

Junkyu jumped back in surprise as Jihoon now appeared. Asahi and Kai laughed and Junkyu frowned.

"Jihoon!" Junkyu groaned as Jihoon laughed.

"What was there you were saying about being used to it?" Kai asked, making Junkyu pout in defeat. Jihoon grinned.

"Got you again." Jihoon said in triumph, dodging out of the way as Junkyu tried smacking his arm.

"Get over here!" Junkyu said, trying to catch him again before Jihoon dodged, and ran off. Junkyu barely took a few steps after him before claiming to be tired and sitting beside Asahi and Kai. Kai shook his head at this. He could be so lazy.

Now Jihoon appeared again, and once again Junkyu jumped in surprise.

"Now, the reason I actually came is because Master Ha-Jun summoned you three." Jihoon said, avoiding the smack Junkyu aimed at him. Kai stood up instantly.

"Is something wrong?" Kai asked, worry etching his features. Usually Master Ha-Jun only summoned the other spirits if the evil spirits were about to strike again, but he never summoned Kai, Asahi, and Junkyu before, but there was a first time for everything.

But he didn't think about it. He was only worried for what innocent human life the evil spirits were aiming to take. 

"Yes. He said come immediately."

That went without say. It was rude to leave Master Ha-Jun waiting. Asahi, Kai and Junkyu shared a look before rushing to meet him.

"You summoned us, Master Ha-Jun?" Kai said as they entered, and immediately bowed their heads as he turned to look at them.

"Yes... I'm afraid the evil spirits are going to strike again." He said carefully, with a worried frown.  Kai felt dread wash through him. The evil spirits were disgusting and crude. Kai swallowed several times.

"So, what can we do?" He asked, trying not to let the worry he felt affect his tone. 

"I need to send you to stop the spirit who went to get the poor boy's soul. Asahi and Junkyu will be your line of contact to us." Master Ha-Jun said, looking directly at Kai, who's eyes had stretched wide.

"M-me?" Kai stammered. He doubted he could be the right person for the job... but if Master Ha-Jun thought he was... he could hardly turn him down.

"Yes, Kai. You. Step forward."

Kai did as he was instructed and stepped forward to stand in front of a golden basin. A misty image appeared in the basin of a purple haired boy.

"This is the victim." Master Ha-Jun said, carefully. "Take a good look. You'll need to remember him."

Kai nodded and examined the boy closely. He looked around Kai's age. Though of course, the age Kai was when he died. He's been seventeen for several years now.

"Now, the evil spirits were spotted and located." Master Ha-Jun said, snapping and the image changed. Now it was of a boy with darker purple hair, and a boy with red. 

"That's all." Master Ha-Jun said, and Asahi and Junkyu bowed and left. But Kai's eyes turned glassy as he stared at the misty image. A single tear slipped down his cheek.

"Oh my god... Taehyun."


If there's any confusion about the hair colors, during the can't you see me era, people think Beomgyu had black hair, but apparently it's dark purple. So, yeah.

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