Chapter 2 - Convincing

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Bang Si Hyuk: "Namjoon, please understand, she will definitely listen to you."

Namjoon: "I agreed to work with her, that itself is a big deal. I am not going to convince her whatsoever. Take Junho hyung or Jin hyung. I ain't going. Yoongi hyung told me that I lost my memory because of her, and many other people say the same, even though I believe so. Just this one case and I am never dealing with that woman. She seems like a danger to me."


Bang Si Hyuk: "Lee Junho! Calm down. Listen Namjoon, you definitely need to come to make her join us for this mission. This is my most serious request. You do evidently know the havoc Hyun Soo and the gang is causing. Only Sae Ji can help you catch him as soon as possible. Please."

Namjoon: "What is wrong with you sunbae, you never requested as if you are begging! Why exactly do you trust her so much?"

Junho: "You will get to know once you start working with her."

Namjoon: "Oh man! Alright, let's go meet her."

Jin: "Great, so I, Junho hyung, and Namjoon will go."

At the gym –

Jin: "Long time no see Sae Ji-ya!"

Junho: "How have you been?"

Sae Ji: "Oh my! Jin!!!! How are you dude? And Junho oppa! Long time guys!" hugs the two, glances at Namjoon and frowns sadly making it obvious that she did not want to get involved in the case

Namjoon: oppa? She is behaving like a flirt with Junho Sunbae huh? Look at that huh! "Hi, I am Kim Namjoon." Rolls his eyes

Sae Ji: laughs at the formal introduction "I know I know Joon. How are you?"

Namjoon: "Joon? How do you know, only my close friends call me Joon?"

Sae Ji: "I know Joon. It is you who doesn't remember me." I almost cried hoof

Namjoon: "Whatever. But please refrain from using Joon with me. I prefer that only with my close friends."

Sae Ji: this little ass doesn't change "Ok Mr. Kim Namjoon!" smirks

Junho: "Sae Ji-ya, we need you. I mean BTS needs you to catch Han Hyun Soo. He has been causing a lot of trouble these days. We have many minor girls kidnapping complaints, teenage drug abuse complaints, and many more. Please work with BTS in this case and help us catch that bastard."

Jin: "Yes Sae Ji-yah! We definitely need your help. Please don't say no. It was your dream to catch him, remember? We lost once but an opportunity has come to us again. Please help us!"

 Please help us!"

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