Chapter 21: great news

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Three weeks had already passed since Shuri and I made up, and I felt terrible, even though we called a lot, it just wasn't the same. I missed her so much.

I was walking back to my dorm after I finished classes for the day.

My heart almost stopped when I unlocked the door and found Shuri sitting on the couch with a bright smile on her face. I dropped my bags and jumped into her arms.
She chuckled at my excitement, but I knew that she was just as happy to see me. I could tell by the way she buried her face in my neck.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked.

"I told you I would visit as soon as possible..." She whispered, pulling away and brushing a strand of hair behind my ear.
Her gaze fixed on my lips, and she leaned in.

"Wait, wait, wait how long can you stay?" I pulled back, holding her at arm's length.

She rolled her eyes with a smirk, "Okoye is picking me up tomorrow morning, very early..."

"Hm, well not a lot of time, but better than nothing," I muttered, still not letting her get closer.

"We can cook dinner and eat on the couch, and maybe watch a movie..." I thought out loud, teasing her a bit.

"Oh, come on, stop," Shuri chuckled.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"You know exactly what you're doing," she stated, pushing my hands away to pull me close.

I melted into her when she crashed our lips together and put her arms around my waist. We stood there for a while with our arms wrapped around each other.

"I missed you," Shuri whispered when we pulled away.

"I missed you too," I replied.

We spent the rest of the evening cooking dinner and cuddling on the couch.
I tried to enjoy every second as much as possible, not knowing when I would see her again.
The time went by way too fast.

Early the next morning while I was still sleeping, I felt her get up and press a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I love you," she whispered, and the next moment she was gone.

The next few days I tried to distract myself by nonstop working on my graduation project between classes.

I started learning some new songs on my guitar for the next gig.
While I sat there with the guitar in my lap and the soft melodies filling the room, my thoughts wandered to the last time I played at the bar. How I spotted Shuri in the crowd and how we stared at each other while I sang the lyrics to her. Then how I went after her and we finally made up.
I really hoped that this long-distance thing would be over soon, but the situation in Wakanda was still tense.
Shuri planned talk to Namor the next day and hopefully figure something out.

I was almost done with most of my sketches, there were only four two drawings that needed to be finished and I had to write the project description.
My goal was to finish it in the next two weeks so that I could concentrate on the presentation and the details.
The project that would be displayed at the upcoming artist exhibition in New York would be announced shortly before spring break, so I still had a lot of time to perfect it.
I was really hoping that mine would win because that would help start my career. It had always been my dream to live off the income of my art, but it was difficult to make it as an artist.

A week after Shuri had come to visit, I was sitting in one of the school's working rooms, finishing up one of my sketches.
I had my headphones on, so I didn't hear how someone sneaked up to me.

Suddenly, two hands were covering my eyes, making me freeze with fear.
I turned around to look who it was, and there she was standing right in front of me with a huge smile on her face. She stumbled backward when I jumped up and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"You missed me?" Shuri chuckled, holding me tightly around my waist.

"Of course I did, but don't ever creep up on me like that," I muttered into the crook of her neck.

She pulled away and I could see the excitement in her eyes, "I have great news..."

"I can't stay for too long, but I had to see your face when I told you this, let's go somewhere with fewer people," she suggested, noticing that some students were already looking at us.

I packed my stuff and took her by the hand, leading her outside of the building to a small bench in the school's park. We sat down and I looked at her expectantly.

"All right, I told you that I was gonna talk to Namor right?" Shuri asked, continuing as I nodded impatiently, "well we met this morning, and we came to an agreement, he is going to support us against the attacks if we help him protect his city..."

"Sooo? What does that mean?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"This means that you can come back," she said grinning widely.

I stared at her in disbelief before her words set in, "Oh my god, this has to be a dream, no more long distance?"

"No more long distance." Shuri chuckled as I pulled her into a tight embrace, peppering her face with kisses.

We agreed that I would come back to Wakanda with her in the afternoon after she had promised to handle the legal stuff with my school. I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.

We went back to my apartment to pack my bags and quickly visited my dad to inform him that I was leaving.
Willow was over the moon when she opened the door and I was standing there with Shuri next to me.

Just when we were loading my bags into the trunk of our taxi, I heard someone yell my name. I turned around and saw Ava and Riri running toward us.

"You seriously wanted to leave without saying goodbye?" They panted when they reached us.

I chuckled and pulled them into a hug, thanking them both for being there for me for the last few months.
My heart felt heavy because I was going to miss them but going back to Wakanda with Shuri would be worth it.

Okoye was waiting next to the jet. I noticed something in her expression that almost looked like a smile, and she told me that she was glad I was back. Under all that toughness, she was a big softie after all.

We entered the jet and took our seats next to the huge window.
Shuri held my hand tightly as we took off.

I had no idea what to expect in Wakanda, but the most important thing was that I had Shuri by my side.


Hey guys, I'm really sorry that I didn't update yesterday, but I was gone the whole day so I barely had time to write :(
I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I know I say this a lot, but I'm so grateful for all your comments and votes<3
The next chapter will be published on Sunday, since a friend is staying over at my place. I wish you all a happy New Year and hope you can celebrate with your loved ones!

Sunlight on your face (Shuri x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant