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As Aria began to heal and move on from the loss of the sorceress, she felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. She knew that she had to find a way to honor the sorceress's memory and continue living her life to the fullest.

She started to spend more time with her son, teaching him the ways of magic and helping him to hone his skills. She also began to reach out to her friends and family, rebuilding the relationships that she had neglected in the wake of her grief.

As she reconnected with the world, Aria felt a sense of joy and happiness that she had thought was lost forever. She knew that the sorceress would be proud of her for moving on and finding happiness again.

But just as Aria was starting to feel like herself again, she received some shocking news. She received a message from the witch who had helped her in her quest to save the sorceress.

The witch told Aria that the sorceress was not really dead, but rather, she had been cursed by the dark wizards and placed in a deep, enchanted sleep. The witch had managed to find a way to break the curse, but she needed Aria's help to do it.

Aria was stunned by the news, and she couldn't believe that the sorceress was still alive. She was filled with a mix of joy and fear, unsure of what this revelation would mean for her and the sorceress's future.

But despite her doubts and fears, Aria knew that she had to help the sorceress. She couldn't leave her in a cursed sleep, and she had to find a way to break the curse and bring her back.

So Aria set out on a new quest, determined to find a way to save the sorceress and reunite with the woman she loved. She knew that it would be a difficult journey, but she was ready to face whatever challenges came her way.

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