The next part happened too quickly to register in my head.

I was at the front of the crowd, ready to pull Freya away from Valerie. But she didn't need my help.

In two movements, Valerie pushed Freya firmly by the waist, creating a distance between the two- before allowing Freya to take an angry step forwards, and- BLAM- Valerie twisted and allowed her fist to hammer into Freya's face. It was a powerful right hook, and it caused the crowd to gasp and ooooo at the way Freya's head swung the other way, body following as she slowly fell to the floor- not unconscious- but shocked by Valerie's violence.

No sooner had it happened, did JJ burst through the crowd with Simon, yelling at people to get out of their way and clear off as they put an arm around either side of Valerie and pulled her out of the situation.

"Val!" I called out, running to her to provide help, but was sent off as she yelled. "FUCK OFF JOSH!" In return, Vik, Ethan, Tobi and Harry finding and joining Val as they ushered her out of the back door- leaving myself stood stark in the middle of the corridor- simply watching as she left. 

"J-Josh..." The whimper behind me caused me to whip around- Freya stood behind me clutching her cheek. The crowd still hadn't left, and were now intently watching mine and Freya's interaction with hungry eyes, needing more drama. 

It all pissed me off. The stupidity and idiocy of the watchers, the innocent and longing expression Freya was pulling, the puppy eyes she was forcing, the fact I was the centre of attention...

"What the fuck, Freya." I hissed, seething- not raising my voice to more than a whisper. She didn't deserve any more attention. And I wasn't going to put up with any more of her stunts. "What the fuck IS WRONG WITH YOU!!"

"Why'd you go with her?" Freya questioned, her eyes filling with tears and bottom lip wavering. She flinched at my shouting and face deformed into one of sadness. One that I didn't care for.

"Why does it matter anymore?" I laughed at her, taking no pity in her acts. "You happy after slapping her? You feel any better after WRONGFULLY accusing her of taking me? And assuming I'd cheat on you?"

"S-so you didn't?" Her eyes filled with hope. 

"No I didn't, Freya." I grit my teeth as I spoke. "She was and is a fucking friend, and you hit her for no reason- I'm fucking done with you, Freya Nightingale- we're done. I've had enough of you and your bullshit, enough is enough. Good-bye."

I took one last look at her sorry and sad face, picking up on her swelling cheek and noting how good a punch Valerie had given her- before storming away- happy that was the end of a chapter with Freya Nightingale.


"Who's house is the closest?" JJ shouted the question as we walked out with Valerie, patting her back and walking alongside as she cried onto JJ's shoulder. 

"Josh's but he isn't here..." Simon spoke. "I think we know my Mum n Dad wouldn't let anyone else to my house- Tobi, yours is too far... Vik, Ethan, Harry- any help?"

"Bad parents." Harry shook his head.

"My brothers will be home, it's a no-go from me, sorry." Vik apologised.

Ethan simply nodded and jerked his head, showing he could lead the way. 

A quietness set across the group- not awkward- but understanding, as Valerie no longer sobbed, but instead simply let tears silently slide down her face whilst her body shook every so often from holding in a cry. JJ had opted for carrying Valerie instead of making her walk, and so Valerie was carried bridal style in JJ's arms, with Simon holding an arm around JJ's shoulders and Valerie's back for extra support, though he knew fully well JJ could easily carry the girl.

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