"You must be Amalia Romano. Your brother, Cole, is in my A-Level Science class."

     I smile politely. Good for Cole.

     As the classroom fills up and the second bell rings, I stay by the desk and wait for him to tell me where to sit. But he doesn't. He stands up and closes the door, addressing the whole class when he says, putting a hand on my back: "welcome class. This is our new student, Amalia. I want you to all make her feel welcome."

     I don't like how his hand is on my back. My breaths become shorter and more constant. Memories of my step dad try to take hold of my mind, but I shake them away as I step away from his hand. He steps toward me and puts his hand back. I try to steady my breathing.

     "Why don't you tell us something about yourself, Amalia?" He suggests, eyes bubbling with laughter. My throat blocks up. He begins to chuckle. "I'm only joking. You can't, can you?"

     My eyes water as he looks out to the students staring blankly at him, some scowling. His grin fades. I step away from him again, closer to the door. He laughs nervously. "What, nobody got that?" He questions. "It's because she's mute. That's funny—"

     Suddenly everyone's gaze shifts to the door. I turn to look at the young man standing there. His blonde hair is fluffy but styled nicely. His black sixth form uniform contrasts with his pale blue eyes and light hair nicely.

     "I don't think it's funny." He says, a small glare narrowing his eyes. I swallow the lump in my throat. His gaze shifts to me. "Come on, Amalia."

     I furrow my eyebrows. How does he know my name? What does he want?

     "What do you want her for?" Mr James asks.

     The boy scowls at him. "I don't think that's any of your business. Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna take my little cousin."

     Little cousin? I don't even know who he is.

     "No—no, thanks okay. Goodbye, Amalia."

     The boy opens the door wider for me, so I quickly walk past him and into the hallway. He sends another scowl to the teacher before stepping out and offering up a smile that softens his intimidating features.

     "I'm your cousin, Emilio." A small crease forms between his brows. "Are you okay?"

     I nod quickly.

     "Okay." Though he doesn't seem certain, he moves on quickly. "Grayson asked me to come get you. He wants to talk to you."

     I nod. He begins walking down the hallway, so I follow him to the ICT department, where Grayson is sitting in the work area with a blonde girl.

     When he sees me, he smiles. "Hi, cutie." He says as I walk over to him. He's sitting, but he still wraps me in a side hug. "You okay?"

     I nod again and smile, even though I want to cry. I hate that teacher.

     "No you're not." He says slowly. "What happened?"

     I shake my head. He looks up at Emilio, who recounts the story. By the end, the girl I don't know and Grayson have sympathetic expressions on their faces, though the latter's also holds a hint of anger.

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