A New Years to Remember (Special Chapter)

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'Wow Another Year has Passed and things just keep getting interesting' I think to myself as I start to button up my recently cleaned and ironed white shirt, making sure each button is secured correctly and that my black suit is free of any dust and wrinkles, "I wonder if the others are almost ready?" I ask myself as a shinier and much cleaner-looking Delta enters the room, His suit free of moss and seaweed as I watch him proudly stroll into the room causing me to chuckle, "Absolutely Stunning Delta, you'll be the talk of the town," I laugh as Delta joined in before fixing the slightly oversized Bowtie, "What do you think Delta?" I ask as I turn to face him.

'Wow Another Year has Passed and things just keep getting interesting' I think to myself as I start to button up my recently cleaned and ironed white shirt, making sure each button is secured correctly and that my black suit is free of any dust an...

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Delta places a finger against his chin in thought as he slowly circles me before stopping where he started, "Ha ha, Very Funny Delta," I comment chuckling as he gives me a double thumbs up, "I hope everything works out tonight," I mumble to myself as I start pacing the room, a million things that could go wrong filling my head until I hear a knock at the door, 'Must be them,'  I breath out a little to calm my nerves before opening the door revealing Class 1A wearing a range of incredible, Suits and Dresses, "Welcome everyone, Please come in," I begin opening the door even wider for them as they start filling the room.

"T-thanks for having us over James," Midoriya thanks as he is the last to enter, "It's my pleasure, I'm glad you all accepted my Invitations," I reply ushering everyone to the main lounge room, "So where's the food, I'm starving," I hear Kirishima question as him alongside a few others look around the room for anything to eat, "Indeed, You said there was a party and your place but there's nothing here," I hear Tokoyami ask as his quirk Dark Shadow appears behind him, "Yeah, and It's too Bright," He complains earning a chuckle from me.

"Well that's because this isn't where the party is being held," I respond confusing the class as I place my hand into my pocket, pulling out the Founders Key, "I-is that?" I quickly turn and wink mischievously towards Midoriya before he can finish as I silently turn and walk towards the front door making sure it was closed properly, "What are you doing James?" I hear Momo, who was wearing a lovely short red dress, question as I insert the Key into the Lock before turning towards her, "simply opening the door," I reply as I turn the key, the smell of salt slowly filling the air, confusing the class even more as the sound of muffled voices and music can be heard.

"Ladies and Gentlemen ..." I pause as I place a hand on the doorknob and turn it, "... Welcome to Rapture," I finish as I finally open the door revealing the entrance to a very familiar location, The Kashmir Restaurant.

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The Splicer Hero: Rapture (BNHA x Bioshock)Where stories live. Discover now