The Demonstration

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"Now that's done," he continues "Welcome Heroes To the Under Water City of Rapture"


James POV:

After what happened in the Terminal was sorted, my father, the four heroes, Delta and I began to make our way through rapture, earning greetings from residents who were passing us.

After walking to the next floor down we stopped in front of the entrance to Fleet hall otherwise known as the Amphitheatre, One of the largest rooms In rapture, designed for entertainment, combat training and the rare Plasmid Demonstration.

After walking to the next floor down we stopped in front of the entrance to Fleet hall otherwise known as the Amphitheatre, One of the largest rooms In rapture, designed for entertainment, combat training and the rare Plasmid Demonstration

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(The Only one that I could find that had seats in it, just imagine the stage is bigger and there are hundreds of more seats and no gun.)

"Here we are gentlemen, Fleet Hall" I hear my father State. "Today My good Friend Frank Fontaine will be demonstrating a new plasmid," My eyes go wide after hearing that and the next thing I knew I was running towards the Entrance with Delta Following leaving the group Behind.


The group watched as James and delta ran for the entrance Mr Ryan stopped walking and turned back towards the Heroes, causing them to look confused.

"Now Gentlemen, before we enter, I must ask something of you" This caused the Heroes to look even more curious "Firstly Nezu and all might you know this already but for the two of you," He points to Aizawa and Endeavour "Down here we have something Called Plasmids" Aizawa was about to ask a question but Mr Ryan Put his hand up "Now before you ask, Plasmids are similar to what you call Quirks With one Slight Difference."

He paused taking out a bottle with a weird symbol on it "It will be hard to explain to Heroes who were born with quirks, so you will see more shortly, but I can say that we developed these plasmids assist our everyday life down here, for example," He once again paused as he opened the mysterious bottle and drank the whole thing.

After finishing the bottle his eyes flashed green before they returned to normal. "The Plasmid I had Just taken is called Telekinesis, as it suggests this allows me to do anything and everything with my mind and the cost of ADAM, and it is what we are here to see."

"Whats ADAM?" Aizawa asks earning a slight chuckle from The Founder of Rapture "Nezu, I would have thought you would have told them at least a few things before landing like ADAM and our workers" Looking towards nezu.

"My apologies, Mr Ryan" Nezu starts "Please Just Andrew, Nezu we've known each other for a long time now." he interjects "Oh, of course, Andrew, I would have however there were some complications that arose, another Villian Attack, however, I do apologise for not saying something"

"That's Fine My old Friend, at least those who need it most have learnt from first-hand experience" Andrew Replies looking towards the Now Pissed Off Endeavour.

"Now, Now, Remember the Deal we had, The Rosies are already ready for action," Andrew states pointing to the two Workers behind the hero, both with their Helmets Emitting the Bright yellow Light, holding their Signature Rivet Guns.

"To answer your question Mr Aizawa, ADAM is a material that emits special energy found on the seafloor, our research department managed to find and harness that power and my friend Fontaine was able to develop plasmids from it." Andrew Continues as he lifts his now glowing cane into the air before moving it around the room. "With this, I can even float but, I've wasted enough time already, come let's Move onto the main event." he finishes while placing his cane back in his hand.


After talking with Delta for a while the show was about to begin, the lights dim as I watched My father and his guests begin to walk backstage.

As they did the Spot Light Turned on revealing my father holding a microphone "Hello Ladies And Gentlemen," He proclaimed into the mic earning Cheers that filled the room "How is everyone doing today?" He continues earning a quiet groan from me 'Show off' I thought as I noticed Mr Fontaine walked on stage to shake my father's hand holding the new plasmid bottle in his hand.

I watched with excitement as they both spoke a few words before Mr Fontaine opens the bottle and begins to drink. After he finishes the plasmid, my father walks to the edge of the stage and begins to glow green before launching into the air causing the crowd of people to Cheer with excitement.

"Mr Fontaine, what are you doing down there, you should join me here" My father yells Before Mr Fontaine Lifts himself off the stage floor just like my father, doing a few loops in the air before stopping upside down in front of me pulling a face.

"Hello James, Would you like to join us?" He Asks before Pulling out a third Bottle of the new plasmid "Hello Mr Fontaine and Yes Please" I replied with excitement taking the bottle and Quickly Drinking it.

Feeling the plasmid working I Begin to focus on floating, and after a short, while I was doing crazy stunts in the air alongside Mr Fontaine and my father, causing the Amphitheatre to erupt in roars and some yelling for samples.

"Now, now, ladies and gentlemen, the demonstration has just started," My father then turns to the stage "Bouncers Bring out the weights".

As soon as my father Speaks two bouncers, bring Different sized Weights ranging from 100 pounds to 1000 pounds as well as some common house items placing them around the stage.

"Ladies And gentlemen, if you would direct your attention to the stage" Mr Fontaine states as he slowly makes his way to the stage with my father following him as I slowly made my way back to my seat.

Mr Fontaine Starts again "Now, Imagine if you will, its the afternoon, after a long day of hard work only for your muscles to ache of pains or simply won't move, then this is for you."

He pauses only for the crowd to stare in awe as he begins to make tea and lift multiple weights without using his hands "Telekinesis, The first of the next generation of Plasmids Designed by Fontaine Futuristics, This will allow those that cannot walk or use their arms to Once again Live Their Life complete."

As He finished my father whispered something into his ear "ladies and gentlemen, I have just received an interesting word that we have some new faces here with us this morning, I would like to welcome The four heroes from the surface onto the stage" Mentioning the heroes I met earlier.


The unexpected announcement surprised the three of the fours heroes

"Ah, as expected of Andrew" Nezu states bring the other three out of shock.

"What do you mean?" Aizawa asks.

"He wants to put his plasmids against our quirks," Nezu replies with a smirk. 'You sneaky Devil but I guess it was coming as we almost destroyed the terminal, and attacked his son'

"Heroes, Come on, No need to be Scared, did our Plasmids make you a bit shy" Mr Fontaine laughs along with the crowd, pissing off endeavour even more.

"Well You heard the man, let's show him what our quirks can do" All Might Replies smirking, Understanding the Situation.

To be continued ...

(1275 Words, And another chapter done, remember FeedBack is welcome)

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