"Better." He answered. "They're holding up better than I am. That's for sure."

Astrid frowned at his words. She knew it meant that he still hadn't moved on. That's the only thing she wanted from him.

Slowly, Bridge started to sob. He tried his best to hold it in. But the more she brushed his hair, the more emotional he started feeling. "Why are you crying?" She asked.

She lifted her hand and wiped the rest of the tears from his cheek. He hated being like this around her. "I'm so sorry. It's my fault."

"Stop it, Bridge. Nothing is your fault. It was bound to happen." Astrid rested her head on his shoulder. "There was no stopping it unfortunately. The only person we have to blame is Gruumm. And even if those supplies did come in on time, there still could have been a chance that I wouldn't have made it."

"I should have tried harder. I should have listened to you and stayed. I would have protected you. Instead, I let you get captured. And I couldn't do anything."

"Bridge." Astrid scolded. "It was never your fault. Just be glad that you now have him captured. He can no longer hurt anyone else."

She lifted her hand to his chest. She could still feel his heartbeat. It made her smile. She started tracing a heart on his chest. It made him feel more emotional. But he really missed this feeling.

"Are you finally at peace with your heart?" He asked.

Astrid hummed in response. Every time I feel my chest, there isn't anything. Not a single beat. As sad as that makes me, I'm just glad there isn't anymore pain." She smiled. Bridge smiled with her. He was happy for her. "But it's good to know that yours is still healthy."

"I'm glad you're finally at peace." He said.

So am I." Astrid muttered. Her lips then dropped into a frown. "But I know that you're not." She lifted her hands the the side of his face, her thumbs rubbing over his cheeks.

"It's time to move on." She frowned.

Bridge shook his head. "I can't forget about you."

"That's not what I'm asking. I could never ask that of you." She said. "It's been a year, I just want to see you happy. That's all I want. And I'm holding you back."

"No, you're not."

"Yes I am." Astrid frowned. "You just need closure. I'm finally at peace, no longer in pain, and no longer in danger. And just know, nothing is your fault. I just didn't have the luck."

Bridge let her wipe his tears away. She placed a kiss to his forehead and smiled. "I don't regret ever meeting you. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. And I'm not sure how I would have handled things without you."

His arms squeezed tighter around her. He didn't want to let go. Because he knew it meant that he'd. never see her again.

Astrid lifted her hand to the side of his face, then turned him so that he would look at her. She brush a thumb over his cheek, then leaning in and giving him a quick peck.

"I love you so much." He mumbled.

Astrid smiled at his words. "I love you too."


He felt tears when he realized he was awake. For real this time. He sat up and wiped them away. Instead of feeling pain, he felt relieved. Though it was all a dream, it somehow felt real. Maybe she was talking to him. And that would be the last time he'd ever see her.

He needed to make her wish come true. It was time to move on. He knew she was probably watching.

A knock came from his door and Syd came in. "Have you been crying?" She asked.

"Yeah." Bridge mumbled.

"Was it another dream? Are you okay?"

Bridge nodded. This time he had a smile. "Don't worry. I'm fine now. No more dreams."

"Are you sure?"

Bridge nodded again. "I'm sure."

"If you say so. Now get dressed. There was a robbery at the bank. You're not doing so good at being leader you know. I knew I should have been given the role as leader." Syd scoffed as she walked out the room

Bridge just laughed. He quickly got dressed and ran out towards the command center. On his way, he passed the wall full of names. He stopped right in front of Astrid's name. Instead of feeling pain and sorrow, he felt receive.

He wasn't going to move on right away. But he would soon. Was he ever going to find someone else? Who knew. But if his idea of reincarnation was real, he hoped to meet Astrid in that life again.

But this time, they'd have a happy ending. An ending where both didn't have to deal with any sort of pain. Where they could live a peaceful life together without anyone having to break them apart.

He'd meet her again someday. He knew he would. He didn't care how long it took. As long as it happened at some point. It wasn't going to be this life. Maybe the next life. Or the one after that.

He knew he'd see her again someday. He really hoped for that.

Hope you enjoyed :)

If you're wondering about any future Power Ranger stories. There will definitely be more. As for the time being, it is still in the process. But I will update you all on when I finally get something done or when I'm starting on something.

Feel free to ask any other questions if you'd like. Hopefully I can get to them all.

But thanks for reading and keeping up with this story. I appreciate that you all enjoyed it hopefully. And I can't wait for you all to read any future PR stories that I will have for you :)

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