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Just as we thought safety was guaranteed, the soldier that seemed to be leading the group turned away from us, discussing something over the intercom, „Cancel the operation." He commanded.

Ji-min slowly went back to the ground, instead if getting pulled into the chopper, „Yah, I'm going down!" The girl desperately yelled.

A dazed look spread up on my face, my eyebrows furrowed, „Ahjussi, why are you letting her down? Why are you canceling the operation?"

„Why isn't she going up? Ahjussi?" Dae-su wondered, the panic on his face noticeable from miles away, „Ahjussi?"

He ignored our questions, yelling through the build-in microphone, „We'll take just the package and pull out!"

„Why am I going down?" Ji-min cried out, way too scared to let her feet touch the ground again.

Now, the soldiers threw of the safety from Hyo-ryeong, pushing her back to the group as I catched her in my arms, „Ahjussi, why are you doing this?"

When Ji-min made it back in her feet, the girl completely lost it, screaming and yelling, „What are you doing? Why? Why are you canceling the operation? Pull me back up! Why did you do that? I said pull me back up!"

A soldier gripped her shoulders from behind, making sure that his colleague could take of the safety, „God, damn it! Pull be back up! I'm not going back there!" The girl screamed, trying to push the men away from her.

Instead, the girl also got pushed into the crowd. Yells and cries were the only thing hearable at this point.

„What kind of operation is this?" Wu-jin yelled, the anger in his voice almost scaring me.

Tears were building in my eyes as I was repeatedly yelling the same thing, „Why would you do that to us? Why?"

Ji-min ran in front of the group, „Please, take me with you. Please!" She begged.

Suddenly, the men aimed their guns at us for the second time today.

The only thing different this time was our reaction. We weren't intimidated by the guns anymore. The automatic machine guns didn't stop the painful begs for them to take us to safety.

„Please, don't leave us here!"

Ahjussi, please."

The man changed his target, everytime someone else spoke.

„W-w- wait a second!" Joon-yeong stuttered, „What is wrong with you? We're fine! We're not zombies."

We heard a male voice coming from the intercom, commanding the man to shoot us. The man repeatedly commanded to kill us all there and then, but the frontman hesitated.

„Please, just take us with you!" Ji-min yelled one last time, before the middle aged man charged his gun, pointing it at every single one of us for a moment, „Stand back. I said stand back!" He yelled, the pain in his voice revealing that he wasn't enjoying this, „Stand back or we'll shoot." He warned.

I was scared, so scared. Tears were now streaming down my face, feeling a warm arm linger around my shoulder. Su-hyeok held me tightly next to him, the both of us having the same thought.

If we're dying tonight, we're doing it together.

Cheong-san ran to On-jo gripping her hand tightly, before turning back to the soldiers, „Wait a second! Can't you just take a few of us with you?" He asked, moments before the man pointed his gun in the air, firing the gun.

Everyone bucked down, shielding their ears. Su-hyeok shielded my whole body, his arms over my ears.

When the shooting stopped, Cheong-san waited for a moment before speaking again, „I'm begging you, take just a few of us, please." He begged through the tears.

As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you. (Lee Su-hyeok x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now