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All of a sudden, more and more zombies flew down.

Cheong-san... I thought in horror, not wanting to lose somebody else. Everybody went silent. Nobody moved.

After a few seconds, Gyeong-su dared to look out of the window but he didn't see anything. Min-ho and Dae-su also glanced out to see if they could find Cheong-san.

On-jo who stood next to me, grabbed my hand as I turned to look at her. Her eyes were widened and she looked like she was about to cry again. Just as I wanted to hug her, Dae-su called out a name which made my breath stop for a second, „Bare-su! Guys, look it's Bare-su. Bare-su and Cheong-san. Cheong-san! Bare-su!"

On-jo and I immediately ran to the window.

And there he was. My best friend. He was alive. On-jo and I looked at each other with relief and hugged.

Some time passed, before I finally saw a pair of very familiar feet. He climbed in and scanned around in the classroom as his eyes finally met mine, „Y/N!" he called out, hugging me very tightly. After I pulled away, we looked each other in the eyes, „I'm so glad that you're sa-"

He couldn't even finish speaking because of the sharp, unexpected pain on his left cheek. His eyes widened as he realized what just happened, „You stupid moron! Why would you do that? Why did you think separating yourself was a good idea?!" I started punching his chest, as my eyes began to tear up.

„Hey, hey hey. Y/N, Stop. Y/N, please stop."
Su-hyeok took hold of my hands so I would stop punching him and gently grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me against his chest.

„I was so worried about you, asshole." I sobbed in his blazer.

„Y/N I'm sorry. I know it was stupid. I'm sorry. I won't leave you again. I promise." Su-hyeok said, still hugging me. I pulled out of the hug, as Su-hyeok dragged me to the table on which he was already sitting.

„Just close it already asshole!" Na-yeon started whining.

„What the hell is wrong with you? Cheong-san was still out there. Do you want us to leave him to die there?" Gyeong-su yelled at her as he jumped off the table and grabbed her shoulder.

„Oh. So is it a crime to want the window closed?"

„Its not a fucking crime, but being here with you is. Just shut the hell up Na-yeon." I joined the fight, hoping that it'll find an end soon.

„You shut the hell up. I didn't talk to you bitch."

With a disgusted look, Gyeong-su scanned the girl up and down, „How can you be so selfish?"

„I can't stand you, stupid welfie."

Gyeong-su froze by the sentence that Na-yeon just said.

My blood was boiling. The madness I felt was indescribable. I got up from the table I was sitting on and was about to walk over to Na-yeon when a hand pulled me back. It was Su-hyeok. We looked at each other for a few seconds and he let go. He knew that he had no chance of stopping me.

Now facing the girl, I gripped Na-yeon by her hair pulled her close to me, „What did you just say, huh?"

The girl tried to free herself and whining around in pain, „Let go of me you cunt!"

As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you. (Lee Su-hyeok x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now