Skye : don't be sorry,
I saw a cute guy sitting alone,
And thought why dont i buy him a beer.

Yn : i can promise you i'm far from cute thou-

Skye : If my friend was here she would say the exact same thing i said.

Yn smiles,

Yn : alright miss euhm....
What's your name?

Skye : you can call me skye.

Yn : alright skye,
I'm yn.
You sure that your friend wont be mad for standing her up?

Skye : she stood me up yn.
So i hoped that you wouldnt stand me up.

Yn : i won't i promise you that.

Skye : dont keep something that you can't promise.
By the way what do you even do for a living.

Yn : i've been alot of things skye,
A spy, been in a special military group,
Goverment agent after that,
Still am that but i have some unfinished business told my dad that.
What about you.

Skye : been a hacker and now i'm inbetween jobs.
But if you want i can help you.

Skye puts her hand on top of yn's hand,
Who lets her do it,

Yn : you know your cute yourself.

Skye blushes as yn says it,

Skye : thanks handsome.

Yn : you dont have to thank me skye.
It the truth,
Plus wich friend would stand up a beautyfull woman like you.

Skye : mine does,
So where are your buddy's?

Yn : i know that they are very close by,
Watching my movements.
Somewhere out there.

Skye : damn yn,
So if i do this they will see it too?

Skye leans over the table and kisses yn on his lips,
As she lets go yn is looking at her in silence.

Skye : was it that bad??

Yn : bad???
Oh no it wasn't bad at all,
Let's try that again.

Skye leans ove the table again kissing him again,

Yn : second best kiss in my entire life.

Skye : only second?
Your the first best kiss i had.

Yn : well let's get another round then.

Quickly hours go by,
Of yn and skye just drinking away,

Quickly the duo is getting wasted,
skye now sits next to yn,

Yn : you know i had a girlfriend once only for a day,
She was just like you,
Just a little bit different.

Skye : was she the first best kiss then?

Yn : she was.

Skye : tell me about her.

Yn : all i can say is she thinks i died and i thought she died.
Thats the story.

skye : do you think you still have feelings for her.

Yn : i don't even know if there are any feelings anymore to be honest.

Skye : so maybe this can pursued you.

Skye's arms go around yn's neck,
his arms go around her waist,
Skye moves her head in closer towards yn's head,

Skye : would this be stupid to do?

Yn : do you want to do something stupid skye?

Skye : yes...

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