"I can take a shift," Rick offers, turning to face Glenn, "help y'all keep watch." 

"Mhhm," Ren agrees, "me too." 

"That's okay, we've got enough people," says Glenn, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. He avoids making eye contact with Rick, opting to stare at his sneakers. "Think you should, um," he stumbles over his words, his cheeks turning red, "w-well, the thing is…" 

"I think," Amy pips in to say, her pale cheeks dusted pink, "what Glenn's trying to say, is that you should…" the young omega abruptly hides her face into her hands. She groans, evidently too embarrassed to continue speaking.

Beside her, Andrea snorts. "They've been separated for almost three weeks, it's normal to reinforce a bond. Maybe when you're older," she says, her tone teasing, "and have an Alpha half as nice as Rick, you'll understand." 

Reinforce, as in… Rick's brain comes to halt. His stomach simmers with sudden heat and his tongue turns heavy in his mouth, the image of his omega warm and wanting underneath him a distant dream he can only wish for. 

Ren makes a low, considering noise. "Maybe if my Alpha begs a little," he teases, turning to look at Rick with a soft smirk. 

Struck with want and longing, Rick moves his hand to the small of Ren's back and leads him towards their tent, dimly aware of saying goodnight to the other wolves. 

Once they're inside the tent and away from prying eyes, Rick allows himself to rumble, leaning in to gently nose at Ren's cheek. His omega makes a soft noise and Rick trails the tip of his nose down his neck, inhaling deeply. They stay like that for a few seconds, before Ren gently nudges him, murmuring a quiet, "Carl's nearly asleep. Let's get into bed." 

Rick reluctantly pulls away as Ren sets Carl onto the ground. Their pup grumbles about being moved, but shuffles further into the tent to change into some sleepwear. 

"I can take the floor," Rick says quietly, unbuckling his belt, the sound of the metal clasp oddly loud inside the tent. He tries not to think of how close he'd gotten to Ren's throat again, but it's difficult

"That's…" His omega trails off, lowering his gaze to stare at Rick's hands. It takes a moment for Ren to continue. He swipes his tongue over his bottom lip, his freckled cheeks turning pink, "t-that's okay,'' he stutters, moving around the tent, "I don't mind sharing.''

Rick tilts his head, watching as his omega unzips his hoodie and places it atop one of his bags. He then unties his shoelaces, takes off his converse, and slips out of his cotton shorts, leaving him only in his oversized navy shirt and underwear. He hesitates momentarily and unclips his collar, the sound of it a soft hiss that has Rick wavering forward like he's drunk. 

Ren hides his collar into his bag and slips underneath the covers, curling protectively around Carl on the bed. The two omega's start quietly talking and Rick swiftly kicks off his boots and rids himself of his jeans to join them. He climbs in carefully behind Ren and slides his hand underneath his omega's shirt, pressing his palm flat over his soft stomach. Rick's suddenly overcome with the need to fill his omega with pup's, wants to make him soft, needy and pliant. He swallows audibly and stamps down on the feral possessiveness that bubbles beneath his mask, telling him to claim

"Momma's gonna tell me his favourite colour," Carl says, voice tired and soft, eyes bleary with sleep, pulling Rick out of his feverish thoughts. 

"Is that right?" Rick asks, pressing himself flush against Ren. He ducks his head, hiding himself into his omega's un-collared neck and closes his eyes, breathing in the mixture of their scents; powdery and fresh, the bitterness of lightning and chocolate like crisp and fresh breath of air. He lets himself be grounded by it, ignores the ache in his teeth and the little voice in the back of his head whispering tauntingly, 'bitebitebite.' 

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