Remus and The L-Word

Start from the beginning

The house-elves then brought forward the House Cup, a gleaming silver trophy adorned with eagles and the Ravenclaw crest. The Head of Ravenclaw House, Professor Flitwick, beamed with pride as he presented the Cup to the Ravenclaw Prefects, who held it high for all to see.

After some time, Remus found himself venturing over to the Ravenclaw table to congratulate Freya. 

"Remus!" She exclaimed, jumping up from her seat to wrap her arms around him. 

"Well done on your award!" She applauded, lifting herself up on her tip toes to press a kiss to his cheek.

Remus wrapped his arms around her too. He felt a little awkward at the public display of affection, but he knew that she was happy, and her happiness made him happy.

The celebrations lasted late into the night. The Great Hall was filled with laughter, music, and the sound of clinking goblets.

The following day was their last full day at Hogwarts before the end of the school year. Remus and Freya had arranged to meet at the far side of the lake at 10am. Remus arrived at the lake early and stood at the edge of it. He had always enjoyed the time they spent together by the lake, but today felt bittersweet. It would be the last time for months. 

It was a hot day, and Remus felt drawn to the cool water. He was just starting to think of an idea when he glanced at his watch and noticed that it was exactly 10am. Remus heard footsteps approaching. He turned his head to see Freya walking towards him with a radiant smile on her face. She looked enchanting in the dappled sunlight, and Remus couldn't help but feel a rush of affection for her as she approached him. 

"Good morning." He greeted her with a warm embrace. Then, without warning, his playful nature took over. In one swift motion, he scooped Freya into his arms and twirled her around before letting out a playful laugh and, with a mischievous glint in his eye, gently tossed her into the inviting waters of the lake.

Freya squealed in surprise as she splashed into the cool water, her laughter mingling with the ripples on the lake's surface. Remus watched with delight as she resurfaced, her hair now clinging to her face, and her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Remus Lupin, I'm going to kill you!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with both laughter and affection.

With a wink and a grin, Remus began to roll up his sleeves, preparing to join Freya in the refreshing waters of the Black Lake. He took off his shoes and dove into the deep waters, disappearing for a few seconds before resurfacing a couple of meters away from her. Freya's laughter echoed across the tranquil waters. 

The sun light danced on the surface, casting a warm and inviting glow. Remus swam over to Freya and brushed the strands of hair away from her face. The light reflected off the water into her deep eyes, and Remus found himself lost in them for a second. 

"You know... I'm kind of mental about you." Remus told Freya.

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he felt a blush begin to creep up onto his cheeks.

"I'm rather fond of you too." She teased. 

Remus met her eyes, his expression tender. 

"What I mean to say is... I love you Freya." Remus responded, his voice as soft as a whisper, steady but full of vulnerability. 

The words hung in the air for a moment, as if the whole world paused to listen. Freya's heart skipped a beat at Remus's confession. 

She cupped his face in her hands and leaned in closer, their lips almost touching, and whispered "I love you too Remus." And with that, their lips met. Remus couldn't help but grin into the kiss. She had said it back. She loved him too. 

They splashed, giggled, and chased each other through the gentle waves of the Black Lake, their laughter ringing out across the water.

Remus couldn't resist playfully dunking Freya underwater, and she retaliated by splashing him in return. They swam, they floated, and they embraced the joy of being together in this idyllic setting, forgetting that it was their last day at Hogwarts before the summer, and just enjoying the moment.

Hours passed in what felt like mere moments, and as they finally swam back to the lake's edge, they noticed that their fingers were wrinkled from the time spent in the water. With a shared chuckle, Remus and Freya climbed out of the lake, their clothes sticking to their bodies, and they sat together on the bank, their shoulders touching.

With their fingers still slightly pruned, they watched the sun descend toward the horizon, casting a warm and golden light across the water. 

The following day dawned with a bittersweet feeling in the air at Hogwarts. The sun rose over the castle, casting a golden glow on the enchanted grounds. Remus awoke early, his last few hours at Hogwarts for the year weighing on his heart. 

Remus met Freya after breakfast, and as they walked hand in hand through the castle's corridors, the familiar sights and sounds seemed somehow different. The portraits on the walls whispered their farewells, and the ghosts offered their ghostly smiles, knowing that the students would soon be departing.

As the Hogwarts Express chugged its way back to King's Cross Station, Remus found himself seated with James, Sirius and Peter. The compartment was filled with the sounds of laughter, stories, and shared memories. They talked about their favourite pranks they had played throughout the year, and their plans for an epic summer. Despite the excitement of returning home, there was a bittersweet undertone to their conversation, knowing that this marked the end of their fifth year at Hogwarts.

Meanwhile, Freya sat in a different carriage with her own group of friends. They chatted and laughed, discussing their plans for the summer and the adventures they hoped to have. Though she was surrounded by companionship, her thoughts frequently wandered to Remus. As the train sped along the tracks, Freya couldn't shake the feeling of excitement mixed with a tinge of sadness, knowing that she was leaving behind a chapter of her life that had brought her so much happiness, yet eagerly anticipating the next one.

Eventually, they reached Platform 9¾, where the scarlet Hogwarts Express finally came to a stop. The train's steam billowed into the sky, a sign that it was nearly time to depart. Remus rushed down the narrow corridor of the train and found Freya. He hugged her tightly, as if trying to make up for the hugs that he wouldn't get to give her over the Summer. 

"We'll write to each other every day," Remus said softly, his eyes locked with Freya's. "And we'll meet up over the Summer too."

Freya nodded, her heart aching but hopeful. "I'll be counting the days until I see you again, Remus."

With a final embrace and promises to stay in touch, they parted. Remus glanced behind him as he walked to find his parents, and he noticed her turn her head too. He gave her a little wave, and then she was gone.

The journey back to King's Cross Station had marked the end of another year at Hogwarts, but it also marked the beginning of a summer filled with longing and anticipation, as they eagerly awaited their next reunion.

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