Part I: Ends and Beginings

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Noble 6 looked out among the charred landscape of Reach, reflecting on the death of his teammates.

He wondered if that A.I he delivered would really make a difference, and if it was worth his teammates sacrifices.

He walked off the platform he was on, and began scanning the area, looking to kill any covenant he saw.

There were no grunts, jackals, brutes, or hunters. The covenant knew of his presence and his reputation, so they only sent elites.

He picked up a shotgun on the ground and began shooting any elite that came into range of his shotgun. Any elite would be met with an 8 gauge shotgun shell to the head.

Just after walking off the platform, a general with an energy sword approached him, but Six sidestepped and kicked the elite onto the ground.

He then lodged the barrel down the throat of the elite and blasted its head open, scattering his brain matter in a 1 yard radius.


Six threw the shotgun away and picked up a stray energy sword, and began cutting and slicing at the zealot that was in front of him.

Six cut the zealots arm off, before beheading it. The elite's body fell on top of him and he used it as a meat shield for the time being.

He also had an M6D magnum in the other hand, picking off elites from afar. The M6D model of the Magnum was very powerful, being able to take an elite's shield's down in under 4 shots.


Six was exhausted due to the nonstop combat. He knew he was going to die soon, but Six knew this and wasn't afraid.

After all, he was trained to kill the covenant, as that was the entire purpose of the Spartan III's. He just happened to be really good at it.

Seemingly out of nowhere, a Silent Shadow deactivated it's active camo unit, trying to get six with it's energy daggers. Six quickly dodged the first couple of strikes and landed an uppercut, making the Silent Shadow step back and stagger. The elite was regaining it's vision, only to see a kukri mere nanometers away from it's head.

Six sighed to himself as he pulled the machete out of it's head, and taking the elite's energy dagger gauntlets and active camo unit.

Would it ever end?

Six had to time to ponder his thought when he saw a group of elite ultras approaching. He quickly sheathed Emile's kukri before activating his newly acquired active camo unit. Six walked around the group, before priming a plasma grenade and sticking it onto one of the ultra's head. The elite roared in vain as it's head exploded into a bloody mess, decoration the ground with purple blood.

The remaining elites turned around and began to spray a volley of plasma as Six, damaging his helmet and armor even more. Noble Six activated his energy sword, cutting down the last three elites. He deactivated the blade of plasma before putting it on his magnetic thigh holster.

His armor was failing and his helmet was broken, with the energy shielding flickering on and off.

His helmets H.U.D was malfunctioning and it had a huge hole in it.

This would be his last stand.

He noticed an elite ultra approaching him and Six quickly took off his helmet and took the M392 DMR and killed an approaching ultra.

An elite general approached from behind, but Six heard him and spun around, and elbowed the elite onto the ground, stripping away it's energy shielding, and then used his M6D to headshot the general.

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