"As for why Athena did not claim you, I cannot know of her reasons. That is up to you to discover."

A dolphin came in, letting Percy know that his father was expecting them.

"Now, let us go." Percy stood up.

"Go where?"

"To my father, Poseidon, Lord of the Seas. Pray he is in one of his better moods, lest he blast you into sea foam."

Annabeth eyed him. "You are jesting this time, right? It's not a very funny joke if you are."

Percy simply smiled, a hint of pity showing through. His father was usually good-tempered, but as nature spirits went, nature could be relentlessly harsh and cruel.


Annabeth was proud to say her legs only shook a tiny bit as she strode into the temple of Poseidon. Carefully, she knelt down before daring to look up at Poseidon, Lord of the Seas.

Both Triton and Perseus had an innate sense of godly aura around them. But Poseidon was on another scale than most mortal minds could comprehend.

The Lord of the Seas sat on a throne of white marble studded with pearls larger than a house in Pegai. Consequently, the ruler of the seas himself was in a form much, much bigger than a normal mortal, holding a trident that would have easily pierced the amphisbaena like a small fish caught on a spear.

At his side, was a beautiful woman. Her thick hair floated around a face as lovely as any enchanting siren. In her hair were two swimming crab claws like little horns. Annabeth knew who she was, too. Lady Amphitrite, goddess of the sea and wife of Lord Poseidon. Lady Amphitrite gazed at her with a cool but regal expression.

"Rise, daughter of Athena."

"Thank you, Lord Poseidon."

When she stood up, Poseidon had shifted to much more normal size. Triton was there as well, his arms crossed against his chest. To Annabeth's relief, Poseidon had a warm visage.

"I have heard of your story from my son. To survive in the seas and to take down a fearsome monster is no ordinary feat."

"Unless she had someone helping her from the start." Triton interjected.

Poseidon raised his hand. "Peace, son. I sense she is telling the truth. But there is also veracity in our concerns. After all, a daughter of Athena wandering into our domain is an interesting occurrence indeed."

Annabeth swept through her mind. Of course, she knew that Athena and Poseidon had a frosty relationship after Poseidon lost the patronage contest for Athens. And of course, she had to be the supposed daughter of their rival.

"But I truly do not have any nefarious intentions or anyone helping me! I do not know how I ended up in this situation."

"I know, child." Poseidon stroked his beard. "But it is also possible you have been made a pawn in someone's scheme, and as the lord of my domain, I must take guard against this, you must understand. After all, no person who has fallen into the seas will have been granted a blessing to breathe underwater like you have when you first arrived. Only a person native to the seas can."

At this moment, Triton swished his tails as if slightly unnerved.

"If I may, Father," Perseus said. "It seems that Triton has been regularly taking in pharmakos almost every decade. I believe that he is the one to set such a blessing to ensure that his brides would be able to breathe when they fell into the sea."

"That is true," Triton admitted. "I did set up an enchantment like that so they would breathe when they fell into the ocean. However, I did not encroach upon your territory, brother. Although, when she broke through your barrier and fell into your palace, it is possible that my enchantment did extend that far. Perhaps, my powers may be stronger than I initially thought," he murmured.

Amphitrite's grip on her throne clenched. Both Poseidon and Perseus, and even Triton himself, did not look convinced, however.

"A foolish decision to make without informing me, Triton."

Triton bowed his head. "I apologize, Father."

"We will speak of your actions later. For now, regardless, you must understand that we must take precautions." Poseidon directed those words to Annabeth.

"Then, what happens to me now?" Annabeth asked tentatively. "I truly do not know what is going on, and I do not aim to cause trouble or fall prey to schemes. Will I be able to return to the surface?"

Although she asked that, she wasn't sure where to go. After all, Pegai was out of the question. Not with what the archon and his family had done to her. Looking at the sea gods' expression, she could tell that they, too, knew that she did not have a home to return to.

"I'm afraid not, child. However, have no fear, as you will not be a prisoner. Perseus, you will be in charge of Annabeth."

"My lord–" Amphitrite turned to her husband.


Amphitrite and Triton looked as though they would protest more but Poseidon held up his hand.

"The child initially fell into Perseus' palace, so Perseus will guide her. Besides, Triton, if the humans have sent brides to the gods, isn't it only fair that she be Perseus' 'bride' this time?" Poseidon said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Annabeth wanted to say that she was not a piece of property to be bargained over, but she bit her cheek and stayed quiet. She wasn't sure if this was another part of the sea gods' strange humor.

Soon, the throne room emptied until there was only Poseidon and Amphitrite left.

"My lord," Amphitrite said with difficulty. "Do you think it wise to leave a child of Athena here? Athena may think it an insult to have one of her own as a bride to a sea god."

"Are you questioning my decision?"

"No, my lord." Amphitrite was in a hurry to say.

"There must be a reason why Athena has not yet claimed her daughter when her daughter is already passed a marriage age. But this is not her style of strategy if her goal is to unseat us from power. As such, I aim to pursue the true mastermind behind these machinations. Having that demigod as a bride will lure them out." Poseidon's usually warm eyes grew stern. "And then I will crush them for daring to play such mind games."

Bride of the Sea GodHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin