This year's surprise

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Y/n's POV

After the Quidditch World Cup "incident" everyone treated me like a was a little kid, they served my food, asked me if I needed help for everything, they almost offered to bathe me! I know something happened but geez I can still function well. Oh forgot to mention, Molly cured my leg and my arm, my arm still had a scar with the word Blood traitor on it, the Weasley blame themselves but is not really their fault.

We were heading to the train when Harry, Ron and Hermione started helping me with my luggage.

"Guys! I can still do things on my own, I sucked it up during summer but now?"

"But your arm-" Hermione starts.

"I am fine now! Is just a scar"

As they were about to give me my stuff back Malfoy shows up. Fucking hell, I don't want to deal with this guy right now.

"Can't do things on your own Boots? You really need someone to help you with everything? How.."

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you Malfoy, not in the mood to deal with you"

"...pathetic" He smirks.

I'm sick of him and his bullshit! I grab my wand out of my pocket and point it at him. "Expelliarmus" He dropped to the ground and grunts.

I come rushing to him and put my foot on his chest. "If you ever call me that again you won't go over 18 years old ferret!" I turn around and see a very scared trio. "Now if you three won't stop treating me like a baby I will do the same to y'all!" I turn around and head inside the train finding a compartment to go in right away.

"We're sorry" Hermione finally broke the silence.

"Is alright, I was just caught up in the moment with Malfoy anyways, I'm not actually mad at you guys" I smile and sigh.

"You sure gave him a good scare, he probably won't bother you anymore" Ron laughs.


The train ride for some reason went by quicker this year, even the carriage ride and waiting for the gates to open, it feels weird, it doesn't feel like a normal year at Hogwarts, maybe I'm just going insane.

We all take a seat on our tables and the first years we're beginning to get sorted, I'd say this year Gryffindors got most of the students, some went to Hufflepuff, one to Ravenclaw, and some for Slytherin. Once the sorting was over it was time for Dumbledore to give his speech. God I despise this part. I roll my eyes and just look front.

"Well, now that we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year, but home of some very special guests as well" Dumbledore started.

While Dumbledore was speaking Mr. Filch opened the doors and started running.

"You see, Hogwarts has been chosen-"

We all just look in confusion and see Dumbledore and Filch whispering to each other aggressively.

"What do you think is about to happen?"

"Well I don't know" Hermione says.

Filch runs back and Dumbledores continues his speech, I zone out and think about... well that's not important, until I hear.

"The triwizard tournament"

That's it! That's why the ministry of magic was doing in my house! But wait why would he want my parents about this? Or tell them? Isn't that classified information? I begging to zone out again until Dumbledore mentions the first school and the doors open.

As the doors open the girls begin walking and doing some weird sighing, when they went past us they started to run I notice the boys peeking.

"Bloody hell"

I look at Ron is disgust and hit him first then I turn around and hit Harry.

"Honestly can you boy be any more repulsive"

They get to the front and they do that weird sigh again but this time butterflies flying out. What the? I roll my eyes and bang my head across the table waiting for this to be over.

"Blimey. That's one big women"

As Seamus finish commenting that my head shoots straight up and look behind me. Damn, she's perfect for Hagrid. We all start clapping once it ends and the boys are going insane, whistling, clapping as hard as they can, even Harry is standing up.

"And now our friends from the North, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang, and their high master, Igor Karkaroff"

We all turn ours heads and the boys start going in, banging their sticks on the floor and lighting up, they started doing they're routine when it finally gets more interesting then just hitting sticks. They leave the sticks on the floor and start running to the front, doing a front handspring with a little twist and then another guy doing a back handspring while the boys form a line.

"Blimey. It's him!"

I turn around to see what the hell is Ron talking about, is Krum walking with the I assume high master. Then when they reach the front the two boys doing tricks begin to blow out fire out of their sticks.

"That was awesome!" I scream accidentally making everyone look at me. "Sorry" I sit back down and start stacking food on my plate.

"Y/n Dumbledore is talking!" Hermione whisper yells.

"I'm hungry! Plus I already know what is the tournament about"

It starts to thunder and everyone starts screaming. I plug my finger in my ears so I don't hear all the screams when all of the sudden it stops.

"Bloody hell, that's Mad Eye Moody" Ron says.

"Alastor Moody?" Hermione asks looking confused.

"The Auror?" I ask looking just as confused as Hermione.

"Dark wizard catcher, half the cells in Azkaban are filled thanks to him. He's suppose to be mad as a hatter, though, these days"

As Ron finishes saying that I come closer to Harry and looking at Mr. Moody; a man with a magical blue eye, and a wooden leg going to a corner and drink something out of his flask.

"What's that he's drinking, do you suppose?" Seamus looks at us.

"I don't know. But I don't think is pumpkin juice"

The Minister of magic started explain that people under 17 can't enter the tournament, of course people start getting mad and start screaming, even more Fred and George.

"That's rubbish! You don't know what your doing!" They said in unison and then start booing.

Dumbledore shuts them up and reveals a goblet with a blue fire on top of it.

"The goblet of fire. Anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament needs to write their name in a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. If chosen there's no turning back. As from this moment, the triwizard tournament has begun"

And just like that we were dismissed to our common rooms and told everyone to go straight to bed.

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