Chapter Three - Fallon

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The first thing I did last night after I got back home from my conversation with Hot Mystery Guy on the beach was to Google search anything related to a celebrity sighting on Coral Cove. I figured that based on how much security they had while moving equipment into the house in the morning, and that fact that Hot Mystery Guy had lied about his identity in an attempt to throw me off, has me 100% convinced that he's some kind of big deal.

And maybe also my ticket out of here.

Come on, come on, I pray to myself silently as the search bar loads. My mouth pulls into a frown when I don't find anything on Google. I try Twitter instead, quitting Chrome to open the app. I don't use the social media platform all that much, but I know it's far easier to get immediate news about celebrity sightings on there. I type in Coral Cove and scroll through tweets within the past day, but again, come up short.


I should've asked him what his real identity was. Maybe Cole can get me some answers in the morning. After all, he'd been at home the entire time so he must have some kind of clue about who they are.

Or maybe you should just ask Hot Mystery Guy yourself, Fal.

I wonder if he'll even want to see me again. He did look embarrassed as hell when I hinted to him that I knew he was lying. I hope he knows that he's a terrible liar.

A terribly gorgeous liar.

I switch on my Google notifications set for the same buzzwords I searched, hoping I'll have better luck tomorrow. But it's certainly looking like I'm not getting any answers tonight.

Defeated, I set my phone aside and slip into my PJs, then climb into bed.

I'll figure it out tomorrow. I will.


The next day, my alarm doesn't wake me up.

Instead, the never-ending pings from my phone do.

With my whole face still smushed against my pillow, my hand struggles to reach my phone on my side table. As soon as I feel the plastic surface of my phone case on my palm, I grab it and click it on, the blast of light searing my retinas.

"Ow," I groan, rubbing my eyes and squinting at the screen. When my finger scrolls through the hundreds of notifications plaguing my lockscreen, my heart leaps out of my throat.

I've got 59 Google Alerts for 'Coral Cove' with 'Celebrity'. I click on the first article belonging to TMZ and my eyes gloss over the contents:

Sun's Out, Boys Are Out! The Hottest Boy band In the World 'The Destructors' Embark On A Beach Getaway In Coral Cove, North Carolina

Many have been wondering what The Destructors have been up to since they ended their US tour a few weeks ago. A trusted source claims that the band has been whisked off to Coral Cove, a small beach town off the coast of North Carolina - a true hidden gem - and have been residing there since yesterday morning. The four members, lead singer Asher Reed, drummer Sebastian Reynolds, bassist Sam Lee and guitarist Grayson Miller are allegedly staying at one of the premium gated residences on Douglas Road, and are reportedly working on their third album while they're there.

Who knows what kind of shenanigans the boys will get up to. Perhaps a summer romance with a fellow Coral Cove local might be something they need.

Attached to the article are two pictures, side-by-side. One is of the four band members, and the other is a photo of a half-naked man in a pair of beach trousers tossing in the waves. The second picture looks a bit dated. His hair is longer in the picture, and his jaw is a little less defined, but I recognize him easily.

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