Chapter 22

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        This was it. After fighting their way through factory workers and guards, the group had finally arrived to the hallway that would lead them back to King Nasod. They were already tiring out, but if they rested now, they risked being ambushed. Add had managed to keep everyone in decent condition, but they would need more than just a few patch ups to get through this last fight.

        "Alright. This is the perfect time to test this out," Add decided. "No one move." He had his dynamos circle around the group before implementing the code sequence for Stimpack. It was a form of electroshock therapy that he enhanced to produce helpful effects. He felt his injuries seemingly fading away, thus he considered the health buff to be successful.

        "Wow, I didn't know you could do that." (Y/n) praised his efforts with a smile.

        "No one is going to die," Add told himself as he stared at her bright demeanor, entranced for just a moment. She had faced the worst treatment out of all of them having to fight off the nasods bare handed. Although it was primarily kicks that she had used when fighting, her hands were slightly bruised. "Raven, go ahead with Dynamo. (Y/n) and I will catch up. I need to speak with her for a minute."

        Raven was about to shoot a retort of noncompliance at him, but he must have caught on to the way Add was currently gazing at (y/n). "Make it quick. We can't afford for any slip ups." (Y/n) tilted her head at the sudden request.

        When Raven and Dynamo had gone a little further ahead, Add finally took action. He stepped closer to (y/n) and pulled her into a tight hug. "No one is going to die." He felt a tug at his heart upon hearing those words in his mind again. "No matter what happens from here, I will do everything in my power to ensure your safety," he spoke. (Y/n)'s hands snaked around his figure to return the embrace. He memorized the feeling silently hoping that this was not the last time he'd recieve her affection.

        "I'll be doing the exact same. Focus on yourself first. I'll be alright," she said in return. He only hummed in acknowledgement rather than making her a promise. He already intended to do just the opposite.

        They parted and began to head after Raven and Dynamo. The duo were waiting at the end of the enormous hall just outside the door leading to their soon to be battlefield.

        "Ready?" Raven asked them. They each gave him a nod. "Let's go."

        Entering the large room a second time was frightening. The awe that Add initially felt had been changed into unease. He was about to fight with the weight of two worlds on his hands. His world against King Nasod's world. Only one would prevail.

        "The roots of the problem have come directly to me," King Nasod began to speak. Add was already entering a state of concentration to hack into the facility's coding, but he did vaguely hear what the nasod had to say. "That makes things easier for me. I will not let you get in the way of the revival of the nasod race. Now, kindly perish."

        "It's done," Add said aloud to his teammates. The generators began to reveal themselves in the corners of the room with the largest most important one staying in the center.

        "Impossible!" King Nasod visibly faltered. Add shot (y/n) one last glance before he rushed towards the right side of the room to handle the generators on that side. Raven took the left while (y/n) took hold of Dynamo and took her place in front of the main power source. "Stop this at once!" King Nasod brought his fist down against the floor. Add lept onto his dynamos just in time to avoid the shockwave that it sent across the entire room. (Y/n) and Raven both stumbled from the impact.

        "Your reign ends here, King Nasod!" Add declared as he zipped up the platform towards the generator at the top corner. He had access to Altera's codes, so now he knew that King Nasod's real name was Adam. The true ruler of the nasod race was not currently awake, and Adam had taken her place out of obligation. Wherever she was now, Add could care less.

        King Nasod launched missiles across the room. "No one told me that thing was equipped with missiles!!" Add realized that they were locked onto their targets as he changed direction to try avoiding them. The platform left little room for him to dodge, but his dynamos managed to carry him out of harms way. His heart pounded in his chest, already filling him with dread upon the realization that King Nasod had only just begun to fight back.

        "Add!! Above you!" (Y/n)'s shout saved his life. He lept out of the way and rolled across the floor just as King Nasod's hand swept across the area. The ground shook from the impact. Add caught sight of (y/n) ducking behind the main power generator with Dynamo tightly clutched in her arms. She was huddled behind the generator protected by King Nasod's desire not to cause any damage to the device.

        "Focus, Add!" he snapped at himself. He got up and started towards the generator again, this time reaching it. "Radio Knife!" He would never dare be caught calling out the made up names of his attacks. No one was supposed to even know that he named them to begin with, right?

        The generator exploded. The small blast sent Add flying backwards, nearly throwing him right off the platform. Add's dynamos caught him while he coughed from the toxic fumes that the broken generator temporarily leaked. The sound of missiles firing again triggered him into action. Unlike before, all ten of them targeted Raven instead. Add abandoned his task to destroy three of the missiles with his own shock waves before they reached Raven. The supposed mercenary was able to take care of the rest himself much to Add's relief.

        "I will not allow this! Perish, all of you perish!" King Nasod summoned forth the remaining Crow Prototypes. It left Add surrounded, but not just him. (Y/n) and Raven were also cornered. With only one generator destroyed and more enemies to fight while avoiding King Nasod's attacks, Add began to feel overwhelmed.

        The generators began to retreat. "Dammit, the virus!" It was failing. Add needed to pull himself together to keep it working.

        The sound of mechanical whirring caught everyone's attention as King Nasod began to charge something from his central core. Add's pupils dilated almost into slits upon realizing what the nasod was doing.

        "Get away from there!" Raven yelled across the chamber at (y/n). The main generator that was keeping her safe had gone back into hiding leaving her directly in the path of the beam of death that was sure to come her way. Raven knew even as he told her to escape that there was no way for her to get past the Crow Prototypes in time while keeping hold of Dynamo. King Nasod intended to destroy that cluster of them with (y/n). It was already taking everything she had to fend off the nasods while keeping the dormant Dynamo protected.

        Without hesitation, Add entered Dynamo Configuration mode and lay waste to the three prototypes around him in two seconds flat. "I can make it," he desperately thought, but Add could already see the beam flashing out of the corner of his eyes. His hair was beginning to rise from how dense the plasma in the air was. "No one is going to die! No one!" He had his dynamos force an opening between the Crow Prototypes and flew past them. Add almost whimpered in relief when he grabbed (y/n), held her. He knew. There was no time for him to do anything more, but he tried anyway to escape the incoming doom that they were about to face.

Oh wow is that a cliffhanger? I wonder how that got there. Until next time you epic readers!

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