Chapter 8

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        Usually it never made (y/n) second guess anything when Add crossed her mind. She had known him for nearly a year now, and felt as though they were already the best of friends and even family. Although it had taken her some time to get used to his ways, (y/n) felt like she could trust Add with just about anything. Usually it took longer for someone to reach that point, but saving one another's lives on the day they both met brought them closer far quicker than average.

        "He's just like any other person. A little traumatized, but nothing can be done about that now," (y/n) thought to herself as she slowly walked down the city streets. So far, she hadn't gone home yet. (Y/n) had left Add's house so that she could think carefully about her abrupt change in viewpoints. Job searching was just the side quest to keep her from getting overwhelmed by her new thoughts. "I don't know what to do."

        Add was currently the most important person in her life. Her village had been burned to the ground, her parents weren't around, and she felt as though she couldn't really fit in well with either species to which she belonged. Had she not met Add when she was escaping, she might not have had such a comfortable life now. Though it hadn't been long, (y/n) had gotten attached to Elder because it was all she had left. The city and Add. That was it.

        "I don't want anything to change," she decided. (Y/n) couldn't determine if her feelings about Add were turning into something permanent or temporarily shifting because of a simple realization. It wasn't a risk she wanted to take. "But if there comes a day when I change my mind, I won't hesitate." She had learned the hard way that life could be taken from anyone at any time. There was not always a tomorrow, but that didn't mean she could hastily make decisions that could alter her entire way of life.

        "Oh, I almost passed it." (Y/n) stopped at the inn that was turned into an apartment building. Elder was a prosperous place with plenty of upscale residences, but many were too expensive for a runaway to afford. Besides, (y/n) didn't mind. She had a soft safe place to rest at night. In her old village, she and her father had often camped outside to get closer to nature. It had been some time since she had done so, but Elder was not the place where one could sleep peacefully under the stars without worry.

        When (y/n) entered the lobby, the receptionist waved at her. "Welcome back. You had some visitors yesterday," he greeted.

        "Visitors?" The only person she could think of was her former boss, but (y/n) had already said her goodbyes to the generous woman. She even recieved a week's worth of advanced payment along with the parting gift that she had shared with Add.

        "They said they were coworkers of yours. I can't stop anyone from going up to the apartments unless I have reason to suspect them, and that group seemed suspicious. I told them you weren't taking visitors today, even showed them that you were on the do not disturb list."

        "When was this exactly? What time?"

        "Hm? I can't remember but I had night shift. My shift actually ends soon, so I'm glad I was able to tell you before I had to leave. We have to keep our residents safe here," the kind young man answered.

        "Thank you. I'll be careful." He gave her a nod in return.

        (Y/n) headed up to the second floor with her key already in her hand ready to be used. She stopped just before reaching her door. An ominous feeling kept her from even touching it. Her mind kept going back to the stalker she had a couple days ago as well as the missing girls. The door itself was already unlocked. Her intuition alone is what told her so.

        "Guess I'm staying with Add again tonight. He won't mind if I borrow his clothes again."

        Without a second glance, (y/n) left her apartment and headed towards the market to buy dinner to share with Add later. He would likely get upset when she returned with the news from the receptionist, and she didn't like seeing his research suffer as a result of his emotional state. Food easily reset his mood, and (y/n) was sure that he wouldn't turn down her company.

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